Overwrite External Mapping to CAM Network Adapter
Use this information to overwrite external mapping to the CAM Network Adapter Business Object.
- Imported External Table: ESM_v_GetNetworkAdapterInformation
- Field that holds unique ID: Unique ID
External Table Field Name | Cherwell Field Name |
adapterDescription | Adapter Description |
adapterName | Adapter Name |
adapterType | Adapter Type |
autoconfigureEnabled | Autoconfigure Enabled |
connectionSpecificDnsSuffix | Connection Specific DNS Suffix |
dhcpEnabled | DHCP Enabled |
dhcpleaseexpires | DHCP Lease Expires |
dhcpleaseobtained | DHCP Lease Obtained |
dhcpServer | DHCP Server |
dnsServers | DNS Servers |
gateways | Gateways |
ipAddress | IP Address |
macAddress | MAC Address |
machineDomain | Machine Domain |
machineId | Machine ID |
machineName | Machine Name |
mediaDisconnected | Media Disconnected |
networkAdapterId | Network Adapter ID |
subnetMask | Subnet Mask |
UniqueId | Unique ID |
winsPrimary | Wins Primary |
winsSecondary | Wins Secondary |