Create a Normal Change Request with the Change Management mApp® Solution

Normal Change requests require approval.
Normal Change types have six stages: Classify, Assessment, Authorization, Implementation, Review, and Closed.

To create a Normal Change Request:

  1. Create a Change Request and select Normal from the Change Type drop-down menu.
  2. Complete the required fields.
  3. Select Next: Risk Analysis.
  4. Select the Risk Assessment link to fill out the Risk Assessment survey (required).
    You can't edit a Risk Assessment after you submit it.
  5. Select Next: Plan to change the status to Planning.
    CSM automatically generates a peer review task when you enter the Planning status.
  6. Complete the implementation, validation, and back out plans.
    Optionally, you can provide evidence of testing and add tasks.
  7. Select scheduled start and end dates.
  8. Assign the peer review.
  9. Select Next: Approval to submit the Change Request for authorization. CSM calculates lead times and an approval deadline. If the proposed start date doesn't meet the lead time requirement, you'll have to either reschedule the Change or submit it as an exception.
    If the CAB approves the Change Request, the status moves to Scheduled. If it's denied, the status moves to Rejected.
  10. Select Next: Begin Work when you're ready to begin implementation tasks.
    The status moves to In Progress. You can also place the Change Request on Hold.
  11. Add implementation notes and actual start and end dates.
  12. Add the close code, close notes, and complete all tasks.
  13. After the Change is deployed, Select Next: Validate Change to change the status to Validation.
    You can't advance to the next status until you close all implementation tasks.
  14. Select Next: CMDB Update.
    After the Change owner updates the CMDB, select the CMDB Update Complete checkbox.
  15. Select Next: Mark as Complete to change the status to Closed.