Change Management mApp® SolutionOne-Step Actions

The Change Management mApp® Solution provides multiple One-Step Actions associated with Changes.

One-Step Actions



Executed From

Alt Step from Relationship Conditionally change the Change status to next logical status (defined by the Change Status values in Table Management) and/or initiate the next appropriate One-Step Action. Change Request Change Form: <Status> link
Alt 2 Step from Relationship
Next Step from Relationship
Button Next Step Conditionally changes the embedded form to the next logical form (based on Embedded Form) and/or initiates the next appropriate One-Step Action. Change Request Change Form: Form buttons
Assign to Anyone Prompts the User to assign the record to any CSM User (not limited by Team). Uses Owned By ID and Owned By Team fields. Change Request Change Form: Assign To link
Assign Change to Owner

Launches the Choose Team window, where a user can choose an Owned By Team for the record; then, launches the Choose User window, where a user can choose a Primary User from the already-selected Team.

Change Request Change Form: Select Owner link
Assign Change to Team

Launches the Choose Team window, where a user can choose an Owned By Team for the record.

Change Request Change Form: Select Team link
Take Ownership of Change

Makes the Current User the Primary User of the record.

Change Request Change Form: Take Ownership link
Create Change Review Creates a new Review Questionnaire (Supporting Object) and creates an e-mail containing a link to the review and record details (Description, Scheduled End Date, Actual End Date, etc.). Change Request

Change Form: E-Mail Change Review link

Change Request Actions toolbar item; Create Change Review option

Create New Task Creates a new Task in the Change's Form Arrangement. Change Request Change Form: Create New Task link
Nominate for Standard Change Creates a new Normal Change Record. Change Request Change Form: Nominate for Standard Change link
Rework Change Request Changes the Change status to New so that Users can edit fields and then resubmit the Change for CAB Approval. Change Request Change Form: Rework Change link

A full list of One-Step™ Actions is beyond the scope of this document. Export a schema document from CSM Administrator (Create a Blueprint > Tools > Export Schema) to view a full list of One-Step Actions associated with a particular type of Business Object.