Configure the Outbound Event in BeyondTrust
Configure the Outbound Event in the BeyondTrust console.
This functionality is only available if you have applied the BeyondTrust Remote Support mApp® Solution. For more information, refer to the mApp Solution Tech Notes documentation.
The menu options may vary slightly depending on your BeyondTrust version. Refer to BeyondTrust documentation for further information.
To configure the Outbound Event in BeyondTrust:
- Log in to your company's instance of the BeyondTrust console (example: [email protected]).
- Select the Management menu option.
- Select Outbound Events on the lower menu bar.
- Select Add New HTTP Recipient.
- Provide a name.
- Provide the URL (example: https://YOURCHERWLLSERVER/CherwellAPI/api/V1/savebomgarsessionid)
- In the Events to Send section, select the Support Session Ends check box.
- Select Add Recipient.
The newly created HTTP recipient displays on the Outbound Events page.You will also need to import the base -64 x.509 Public Certificate from the customer-hosted server (that BeyondTrust points to). This needs to be added to the Security/Certificates section.
The logged in user account to BeyondTrust must have security rights to see the security menus.
For customers hosted in the BeyondTrust cloud, the settings are in a different location. Please contact your cloud provider for more information.