Create a CSM License Usage Record

Use the CSM Desktop Client to access the CSM License Usage record to track Cherwell Service Management® license data related to the number of total licenses, used licenses, and remaining licenses.

To create a CSM License Usage record:

  1. On the CSM Desktop Client toolbar, select New > New CSM License Usage.

    A new CSM License Usage record is created with a status of Not Tracking. The creator is automatically assigned as the Started By User.

  2. Complete the following Usage Tracking Configuration fields (* for required):
    1. *Start Date: Click the Calendar Date Selector button Date Picker Button to select a start date and time for the license tracking.
    2. *End Date: Click the Calendar Date Selector button Date Picker Button to select an end date and time for the license tracking.
    3. *Frequency: Click the Up and Down buttons to select the frequency of the license tracking.
    4. *Duration: Click the drop-down, and then select a duration for the license tracking (hours or minutes).
    5. License Count: Select the type of data that you want to track.
    6. Licensed Client: Select one or more clients for which you want to track license usage.
    7. Non-Licensed Client: Select one or more features for which you want to track usage counts.
  3. Click the Activate Automated Tracking button.

    The CSM License Usage Status changes to Tracking. When the first instance of license tracking is recorded, and the number of Available Licenses, Used Licenses, and Remaining Licenses display in the Quick Info Tile alert bars. When 50% of the licenses are in use, the Used Licenses alert bar turns orange. When 80% of the licenses are in use, the Used Licenses alert bar turns red.

    A summary of the tracked information is displayed in the License Usage Summary tab in the Form Arrangement.

    For a real-time license count, click the Get License Count link in the I Want To section of the Quick Info Tile. A record of the current license data displays in the Quick Info Tile alert bars and in the CSM License Usage tab of the Form Arrangement.

  4. Click the Deactivate Automated Tracking button to end tracking.