Create a Customer Survey

Use the Survey Template Form to create a Customer Survey.

Create a Customer Survey

To create a Customer Survey:

  1. On the CSM Desktop Client toolbar, select New > New Survey Template.

  2. Complete the Design (External) section of the Survey Form:
    1. Survey Title: Provide a title (example: Customer Satisfaction Survey).
    2. Survey Instructions: Provide instructions.
    3. Scaled Questions:
      • Questions 1 — 5: Provide a scaled question (example: Rate the overall timeliness of the technician).
    4. Short Answer Questions:
      • Questions 1 — 2: Provide an open-ended question (example: How can we improve our services?).
  3. Complete the Classification (Internal) section of the Survey Form:
    1. Survey Type: Select a Survey Type from the drop-down list.

      Customer Satisfaction is the only available survey option. Use Table Management (CSM>Tools>Table Management) to add additional survey types to the drop-down list.

    2. Description: Provide a description for the Survey Template (example: This survey is intended to determine technician performance and overall Customer satisfaction).
    3. Satisfactory Threshold: Provide a number value that indicates a satisfactory rating (example: On a scale of 1 to 5 with a score of 5 being the highest, a satisfactory score might be a 4).
    4. Warn owner when average score falls below threshold: Select this check box to send an email notification to the Survey owner if a survey score is less than the defined satisfactory threshold.
    5. Unsatisfactory Threshold: Provide a number value that indicates an unsatisfactory rating (example: On a scale of 1 to 5 with a score of 5 being the highest, an unsatisfactory score might be a 2.5).
    6. Warn owner when average score falls below threshold: Select this check box to send an email notification to the Survey owner if a survey score is less than the defined unsatisfactory threshold.
  4. Select the Set as the Default Satisfaction Survey link in the Actions section to make the current survey the default survey. This must be done for all languages.
  5. Select Close.
  6. Select the Next: Begin Planning to move the status to publish.
  7. Select the Next: Publish to publish the Form.
  8. Select Save.