ITIL 4 Dashboards mApp Solution Items

The Items table provides a list of items included when applying the mApp Solution and the typical merge action.

These are the items included in this mApp Solution:

Item Category


Typical Merge Action

Business Objects Change Request, Incident Merge
Configuration Item, Knowledge - IT, Problem, Task, Work Item Don't Change
Dashboards Executive/CSI Manager, Incident Manager, Problem Manager, Service Desk Technician Import
Fields Planned Change, Customer Department, Linked to Problem, Reopened, Status Order Import
Grids ITIL4 Change Dashboard, ITIL4 Incident Dashboard, ITIL4 Dashboard, ITIL4 Problem Dashboard, ITIL4 Task Dashboard Import
Indexes Change_ChangeID, ChangeCreatedDT, ChangeOwnedBy, ChangeStatus, PK_Change, Incident_CustomerID, Incident_IncidentType, Incident_OwnedByID, Incident_RecID, IncidentCreatedDT, IncidentID, IncidentIdx_ServiceCartRecID, IncidentIdx_ServiceCatalogTemplateRecID, IncidentService, IncidentStatus Overwrite
Metric Values ITIL4 - All Incidents, ITIL4 - All Resolved + Self-Service, Resolution, ITIL4 - Closed on First Call, ITIL4 - KB Portal Usage Total, ITIL4 - Open via Portal/All Incidents, ITIL4 - Reopened, ITIL4 - Reopened Incidents Import
One-Step™ Action Submit Feedback Import
Searches All Incident Type = Incident, All Incidents, All New Problems, All Open Incidents, All Open Incidents, Overdue Resolution (Breach), All Open Incidents, Resolution Warning, All Open Service Requests, All Open Work Items, All Resolved/Closed Incidents within Resolution SLA, Articles with Usage Count, CIs Currently Down, High Risk Changes, My Open Incidents and Requests Don't Change
All OpenTasks, All Problems, All Resolved/Closed Incidents, Incidents Linked to Problem, Known Error, My Teams Open Change Requests, My Teams Open Problems, No Workaround, Open Incidents and Requests, Open Problems, SLA Resolve Breach, Top Issues, Workaround Exists Overwrite
ITIL4 - Fulfilled via Automation, ITIL4 - New Issues, ITIL4 - Open P1 Issues, ITIL4 - Planned Changes, ITIL4 - Reopened Incidents, ITIL4 - Teams Open Tasks, ITIL4 - Unassigned Issues, ITIL4 - Unplanned Changes, Workaround Published in Portal Import
Stored Expressions 2 Days Old, 5 Days Old Import
7 Days Old Overwrite
Widgets ITIL4 - Active SLA Breached, ITIL4 - Active SLA Warnings, ITIL4 - All Open Issues, ITIL4 - All Problems Grid, ITIL4 - Breached SLAs, ITIL4 - Down CIs, ITIL4 - High Risk Changes, ITIL4 - Incident Filter, ITIL4 - Incident Resolved With SLA, ITIL4 - Incidents By Source, ITIL4 - Incidents by Status/Days Open, ITIL4 - Incidents Closed on First Call, ITIL4 - Incidents Closed on First Contact, ITIL4 - Incidents Linked to Problems, ITIL4 - Incidents Logged via Portal, ITIL4 - Incidents Reopened After Close, ITIL4 - Incidents Resolved Within SLA, ITIL4 - Issues Assigned to Me, ITIL4 - Issues In Backlog, ITIL4 - Known Errors, ITIL4 - Mean Time to Resolve Incidents by Priority, ITIL4 - Open Incidents, ITIL4 - Open Incidents By Team Member, ITIL4 - Open Issues by Service, ITIL4 - Open Issues by Status, ITIL4 - Open Issues Submitted by Department, ITIL4 - Open P1 Issues, ITIL4 - Open Problems, ITIL4 - Open Service Requests, ITIL4 - Open Tasks, ITIL4 - Planned vs Unplanned Changes, ITIL4 - Problems By Category, ITIL4 - Problems by Priority, ITIL4 - Problems by Status, ITIL4 - Problems by Team, ITIL4 - Problems in Backlog, ITIL4 - Problems With Workaround, ITIL4 - Problems Without Workaround, ITIL4 - Reopened Incidents, ITIL4 - Requests Fulfilled via Automation, ITIL4 - Self Service Resolution, ITIL4 - Teams Open Changes, ITIL4 - Teams Open Problems, ITIL4 - Teams Open Tasks, ITIL4 - Top Problems Grid, ITIL4 - Total Linked Incidents, ITIL4 - Unassigned Issues, ITIL4 - Workarounds Published in Portal, ITIL4 - All Open Issues Grid Import
Problems Filter Overwrite
  • Import: Add new item.
  • Overwrite: Replace target item.
  • Merge: Merge differences.
  • Don't Change: Referenced by the mApp Solution, but not altered in any way. The mApp Solution includes the definition for informational purposes only (the definition is not imported into the target system).