How the Ivanti Neurons for Discovery Integration mApp Solution Works
The Ivanti Neurons for Discovery Integration mApp® Solution pulls data from Ivanti Neurons for Discovery and creates new Configuration Items (CIs) in the CSM database. It also provides updated data in the system if the CI has been previously discovered.
CSM uses a Scheduled Item (that runs on a regular basis) to initiate a One-Step™ Action:
- The authorization call is made using the NFD Authorization URL, the Client ID, and Client Secret. Once the authorization call is made, a bearer token is passed to the next API call.
- CSM creates an on-the-fly API call and generates a dynamic URL that consists of the tenant ID, the API structure, and a set of attributes.
Use the Neurons for Discovery API Attributes Lookup table to define attributes.
- CSM puts the attributes in a URL call to the Ivanti Neurons for Discovery layer, with the tenant ID, and continues to build on that URL. CSM makes the HTTP request and gets the data back from Ivanti Neurons for Discovery (the actual CMDB data).
- CSM adds the data to the Config — Not Inventoried Business Object.
- When CSM imports the data, it identifies new CIs and places them in the Not Inventoried Lookup table.
- You can create custom attributes that get appended to the second API call and pull in that database on the attributes that you defined. CSM checks the imported data against the CMDB. It updates existing CMDB items (based on external ID) and adds new items to the Config — Not Inventoried table.
- After import, the Create/Update Proper Configuration Item Automation Process (AP) runs on the Config — Not Inventoried Business Object and creates or updates the CIs into the proper category. The AP checks to see if there's a matching External Source ID, and if there is, updates and deletes the Config - Not Inventoried record. If there's no matching External Source ID, it converts to a proper CI Type (this is based on an expression to determine the type of device and what CI Type to create).
- The Call Neurons for Discovery API AP runs on the Neurons for Discovery API Attributes Object and returns the next page of records until there are no more pages.