Create a Recurring Work Order (Supervisor)

Create a recurring work order for automated, scheduled work based on selected frequency and start date.

To create a recurring work order (supervisor):

  1. In the Browser Client or the Desktop Client, open the Dashboard Manager to access your dashboard.
  2. Select Create New Work Order and enter the work order information in the fields.
  3. For the Service Classification field, select Facilities Recurring Maintenance or Recurring Grounds Maintenance as the subcategory. All categories must be associated with one of these two Recurring Maintenance subcategories.
  4. After you select a subcategory, select a Work Order Type.
  5. Under Scheduling, select the Schedule Recurring Future Work Orders? check box, and specify recurrence type, ending, frequency, and start date.
    • Select the Finish to Start check box to create future work orders when the previous one is completed.
    • If the Finish to Start check box is cleared, future work orders will be created via the event scheduler.
  6. Select Save.
  7. After the automation or scheduler runs to generate future work orders, the work order tab shows the linked future work orders.
  8. Recurring work orders for your team display in the grid as they are created.