Release Management mApp Solution 1.0.1

The Release Management mApp® Solution provides functionality that allows you to use Release features such as a default form, Automation Processes, One-Step Actions, Expressions, Saved Searches, Widgets, and a Dashboard.

Platform Version Requirements: Tested on CSM 6.0.0 - 9.6.x.

Out-of-the-Box Content Version Requirements: Tested on CSM 6.0.0 - 9.6.0. Warnings and workflow issues may occur with CSM 9.6.0 content.

Prerequisites: None


CSM Release Management is the process that ensures that builds are created, tested, and deployed without affecting the stability of existing Services. CSM integrates with Release Management so that you can incorporate the CSM Release Business Process into your system.

Release Form Completed

How the mApp Solution Works

CSM provides Release as a mApp Solution so that Users can easily unify all aspects of the Release process with their existing CSM system. Download the mApp Solution from the Cherwell mApp Exchange. Use the Apply mApp Solution wizard to apply the mApp Solution to your CSM system. The Apply mApp wizard generates a Blueprint, which can then be viewed and published to a test or Live system to commit the changes.

After the mApp Solution is applied, Users can use Release in the same way as other CSM processes. Access the Release Form by clicking File>New>New Release in the CSM Desktop Client, or configure the Release Business Object by clicking Create New Blueprint>Release>Edit Business Object in CSM Administrator.

The mApp Solution includes the following items:

Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Business Object Change Request, Configuration Item, Service Schedule Merge
Business Object Release, Release Build Disposition, Release Disposition, Release Embedded Form, Release Package Build, Release Priority, Release Role, Release Status, Release Team, Release Team Member Type, Release Test, ReleaseLinksCI Import
Business Object ChangeRequestLinksCI, Customer, Customer - Internal, Incident, ITPT Project, Phase Set, Service, Task Don't Change
Automation Process Notify Release Owner of Assignment, Notify Release Team of Build Test Results, Notify Release Team of New Build, Notify Release Team of Ownership Import
Calendar IT Calendar Don't Change
Counter Release# Import
Custom View Portal Default View of Customer - Internal Don't Change
Dashboard Release Summary Import
Metric Value Numerous Import
One-Step Action Numerous Import
Stored Expression Numerous Varies
Stored Query Numerous Import
Theme Professional Grey Don't Change
Widget Numerous Varies
  • Import: Add new item.
  • Overwrite: Replace target item.
  • Merge: Merge differences.
  • Don't Change: Referenced by the mApp Solution, but not altered in any way. The mApp Solution includes the definition for informational purposes only (the definition is not imported into the target system).

Related Reading

Apply mApp Solution

To apply the mApp Solution, perform the following high-level steps:

  1. Review the recommendations and considerations for applying mApp Solutions. For more information, see Considerations for Applying mApp Solutions.
  2. Extract the mApp Solution .zip file to a location that can be accessed by CSM.
  3. In CSM Administrator, use the Apply mApp Wizard to apply the mApp Solution. For more information, see Apply a mApp Solution. Select the topic that matches your version of CSM.

How to Use the mApp Solution

When working with the Release Management mApp Solution, Users can: