Run Setup One-Step Actions for vRealize®
Use the One-Step Action Manager in the CSM Desktop Client to run the following One-Step Actions.
- vRA Setup: Prompts the User for vRealize® credentials (host ID, tenant ID, username, and password) and CSM credentials (URL, username, and password)
- vRA Import Catalog: Uses vRealize® and CSM credentials to import catalog items (blueprints) and actions from vRealize®.
This functionality is only available if you have applied the Orchestration Pack for VMWare vRealize® Automation™. For more information, refer to the mApp Solution Tech Notes documentation.
To run the One-Step Actions:
- In the CSM Desktop Client, open the One-Step Manager.
- In the Association drop-down, select (None).
- In the One-Step Actions tree, click Global>vRealize.
- Click the vRA Setup One-Step Action and then click Run.
A window opens displaying the current settings.
Select OK.
- Provide the prompted vRealize® and CSM information.
A window opens displaying the defined settings.
The information provided in the prompts is held in Stored Values. Edit them using the Stored Value Manager (Global>vRealize).
- Click the vRA Import Catalog One-Step Action and then click Run.
The information obtained from vRealize® is stored in Lookup Tables. Catalog items (blueprints) are located in the VM Blueprint Lookup Table and actions are located in the VM Action Lookup Table in Table Management.