Submit an Incident on Behalf of Another User in the CSM Desktop Client or Browser Client

Use the Incident Form in the CSM Desktop Client or Browser Client to submit an Incident on behalf of another User.

This functionality is only available if you have applied the Submit on Behalf Of mApp Solution.

To submit an Incident on behalf of another individual in the CSM Desktop Client or Browser Client:

  1. Create a new Incident (New>Incident).
  2. Select the Customer using the Related Item Picker.
  3. Select the Submit On Behalf Of button (to the right of the Customer Field). You can select this option again to change or remove the requester.

    If there is an Add Requester link under the Actions list, you can also select the link to submit on behalf of another User.

    1. Select the name of the person you are submitting the Incident on behalf of.
    2. Use the drop-down list or the ellipses to select who should receive email notifications:
      • Customer
      • Customer and Requester
      • Requester
    3. Select OK.

      The requester's name and email display on the Default Form. A Journal - Note is created when a requester is added, removed, or changed.

      The requester's information only displays if email notifications were set to Customer and Requester or Requester.

      You can select the requester's name to change or remove the requester. You can select the requester's email to initiate a requester follow-up email message.

  4. Complete the process to finish creating a new Incident.