Sync Cherwell Configuration Items with Assets in

CSM uses Automation Processes to ensure that new Configuration Items (CIs) sync with your account. These Automation Processes are included with the Integration mApp® Solution. Ensure your system is configured for Automation Processes to run.

This mApp Solution makes API calls via One-Step™ Actions that use HTTP requests, so ensure you update security permissions to allow this.

The following new CIs sync with your account: Config - Computer, Config - Server, and Config - Network Devices.

When it's time to bring vulnerability data into CSM, Tenable uses the Cherwell tag filter to limit the data imported. Only vulnerability data for assets with the Cherwell tag is imported into CSM.

To sync Cherwell CIs with assets in

  1. In the CSM Desktop Client, open the Search Manager.
  2. From the Association drop-down list, select Config - Computer.
  3. Select the Global folder, select All Computers, and then select Run.
  4. If the results are not in grid view, from the menu bar, select View > Result in Grid.
  5. To select the Config - Computers you wish to sync with your account select the check box next to each row. If you wish to sync all Config - Computer records with Tenable, select the check box in the header row.
  6. Open the One-Step Action Manager, and from the Association drop-down list, select Configuration Item .
  7. Select the Global folder, and then select the Tenable folder.
  8. Select Import Asset to Tenable, and then select Run.
    The processing time varies depending on how many Config - Computers you are syncing.
  9. When the sync process is complete, the fields for Tenable Import ID and Tenable UUID are autofilled for each record. These field are not visible on the form. To view them, open the record, and from the menu bar, select Help > System Analyzer.
  10. From the System Analyzer toolbar, select the Show Values button to show values of the field in the current business object.
    The Current Object Values window opens.
  11. In the list of fields, select the Tenable folder to expand and view the Tenable Import ID and Tenable UUID fields.
  12. Complete steps 2-11 for the Config - Server and Config - Network Devices you want to sync with assets in Tenable.

After the sync process completes, the assets in Tenable are tagged with the Cherwell tag and the Server, Computer, and Network Device values.

When new Config - Computer, Config - Server, and Config - Network Devices records are created in CSM, an Automation Process will automatically sync and tag the new records with assets in Tenable.