Agreement Forms

Use the Agreement Forms to create, edit, and track Agreements. The forms are made up of four main areas:

  1. Default Form: Displays the name of the Agreement, Agreement type (OLA or Underpinning Contract), and other important information.
  2. Form Arrangement: Dynamically displays linked records (Child Records) that are in a relationship with the parent Agreement.
  3. Form Area: Displays the form fields for the tab selected in the Form Arrangement. The Overview form contains most of the Agreement information.
  4. Actions List:
    • Assign to Me
    • Deactivate

The following table describes common fields on the Agreement Form:

Field Description Comments
Default Form Displays the name of the Agreement, Agreement type (OLA or Underpinning Contract), status, review date, and Supplier and assignment information.
Overview Contains information about the Agreement, such as the Supplier Catalog Item Type, the Supplier Catalog Item, a description of the Agreement, and the Scope of the Agreement. Fields in the Main pane are the same, regardless of the type of Agreement. These fields are completely customizable and configurable.
*Name Name of the Agreement. *Required
*Supplier Supplier assigned to the Agreement.


A Supplier is a person or group (internal or external) that is responsible for providing a product or service to an organization based on an Operational Level Agreement (OLA) or Underpinning Contract (UC).

*Supplier Catalog Item Type Designates if the Supplier is providing a product or a service. *Required
*Supplier Catalog Item Designates what kind of product or service the Supplier is providing. *Required

Supplier Catalog Items are limited by the Supplier Catalog Type.

Description Description of the Agreement.  
Scope A summary of the steps involved in completing the Agreement.  
Rules for Changes Provide the negotiated and agreed upon rules for changing the Agreement.  
Rules for Termination Provide the negotiated and agreed upon rules for terminating the Agreement.  
Resolution Time The negotiated and agreed upon resolution time.  
Resolution Units The units to be applied to the resolution time.  
Resolution Business Hours The business hours that will count against the resolution time.  
Associated Cost The negotiated and agreed upon cost of the product or service.  
Form Arrangement Dynamically displays child records that are in a relationship with the Agreement.  
Terms Displays rules for changing or terminating the Agreement.  
Supplier Displays detailed information about the Supplier.  
Journals Displays related Journal records that are created to track User notes/comments, field changes, and e-mail correspondence.