Create a Building Record
Walk through the typical steps to create a Building record.
To create a Building record:
- On the CSM Browser Client or CSM Desktop Client toolbar, click New>New Building.
A new Building record is created with a status of New.
- Provide information about the Building in the Overviewn:
- Site: From the drop-down menu, select the site associated with the Building (example: USA Headquarters).
- Building Name: Provide a name for the Building. This is a required field.
- Address: This field auto-populates using the address from the associated Site record. If necessary, provide a different address.
- Address 2: Provide additional address information for the Building.
- Country: This field auto-populates using the country from the associated Site record. If necessary, provide a different country.
- State/Province/Territory: This field auto-populates using the state/province/territory from the associated Site record. If necessary, provide a different state, province, or territory.
- City: This field auto-populates using the city from the associated Site record. If necessary, provide a different city.
- Postal Code: This field auto-populates using the zip code from the associated Site record. If necessary, provide a different zip code.
- Region Code: This field auto-populates using the region code from the associated Site record. If necessary, provide a different region code.
- Full Address: Provide the full address for the Building.
- Notes: Provide other important information for the Building.
- Assign a Building Manager in the Default Form by clicking one of the ownership links:
- Select Owner: Click to first select a Team owner and then a User owner.
- Select Team: Click to select a Team owner.
You can also take ownership of the Building by selecting the Assign to Me link.
- Activate the Site by clicking the Next: Active link.
The status changes to Active and the Building record is available.
- (Optional) To deactivate the Building, click the Next: Inactive link or click the Set Status to Inactive link.
- (Optional) To mark the Building as Vacant, click the Set Status to Vacant link.