Create a New Supplier
To create a new Supplier:
- On the CSM Desktop Client or CSM Browser Client toolbar, click New > New Supplier. A new Supplier Form displays.
The Supplier automatically enters the Evaluating phase of the workflow. - The Default Form will display the Supplier name, status, grade, risk level, and contact information once you have entered it. Assign a Supplier Manager by selecting the -select owner- link. Click the Assign to Me link in the Actions List to assign yourself as the owner of the Supplier record.
- Record basic Supplier details, contact information, and add a company logo in the Overview tab in the Form Arrangement.
- Provide Supplier Management information to determine how often the Supplier's performance should be reviewed and how often Risk Assessments should be conducted. The Supplier Category should be populated from the drop-down menu to denote what type of contract the Supplier has with the company. The Supplier Type can also be populated from the drop-down to denote if the Supplier is an Internal Supplier or an External Supplier.
The Supplier Category and Supplier Type drop-down menus can be configured based on User need. To add or remove field options, click Tools > Table Management > Supplier Category, or the desired menu name, and right-click a field to edit it. Click the New button in the toolbar to add a new field option to the drop-down.
The On Probation/Under Review checkbox is linked to an Automation Process; if the field is selected, then the system automatically notifies the Supplier Manager via e-mail that the Supplier needs to be reviewed.
- The Form Arrangement contains tabs for quick reference of records related to the Supplier. There is no requirement regarding which tabs need to be populated or completed in order for the Supplier to move through the workflow.
- The Agreements tab displays existing contracts the company has with the Supplier and the Work Units tab divides them into smaller units. The Tasks tab then shows what the Supplier needs to perform or provide in order to fulfill the Agreements and Work Units.
- The Supplier Catalog Items tab displays the existing items the supplier is contracted for, including type of item and how it is used within the company.
- Scorecard assessment dates and grades display in the Scorecard tab. The most recent grade displays in the Default Form. For details on completing the Supplier Scorecard, see Step 6.
- Create a Supplier risk assessment by selecting the Create Risk Assessment link in the Actions List. Once you complete a risk assessment, it will appear in a Supplier Risk Assessment tab in the Form Arrangement. The date that the assessment was performed, the Supplier's total score, their total risk level, and the Manager that performed the assessment will display under this tab. For details on completing the Risk Assessment, see Step 7.
- Service Impact Events include anything that may impact the Supplier's ability to provide their specified service; these events can be manually inputted into the tab.
- Enter Service Complaints through the Service Complaints tab if necessary.
- The Configuration Items tab displays the Configuration Items that a Supplier's service supports.
- Create a Supplier Scorecard.
a. Click the Create Scorecard link in the Actions List.
The Scorecard assesses the Supplier's reliability and whether or not there are complaints within their control attached to their Form. Complaints associated with the Supplier display in the Service Complaints tab of the Form Arrangement.
The Scorecard Form displays, showing how the Supplier has ranked in four categories, each with the same subcategories.
A grade based on the Scorecard Form's calculations displays in the grade section of the Default Form.
The Supplier Scorecard uses an Automation Process that automatically sends an e-mail to the Supplier Manager if the resultant grade is lower than the previously attained grade. The Supplier Manager also receives an e-mail if the Supplier is given a failing grade by the Scorecard.
- Complete the Supplier Risk Assessment.
a. Select the Create Risk Assessment in the Actions List
The Risk Assessment Questionnaire determines the Supplier's risk based on Service Delivery Risks and Service Disruption Risks. The Questionnaire should be filled out during the initial Evaluation stage, and again based on the Risk Assessment Cycle that should have been determined in the Supplier Management section of the main form.
The Risk Assessment form is the OOTB configuration but can be modified by the User to measure fields of their choice. The Questionnaire corresponds with the Risk subject. The Questionnaire asks questions regarding the subject that is currently selected, but the Questionnaire is the same for each subject. A Risk Mitigation Plan is required if the Risk is Moderate and Possible, or higher. The plan should be typed into the available text box. All Risk Assessments that are performed and the date of completion displays in the Risk Assessment tab in the Arrangement Pane.
The Risk Assessment results display in the Supplier Risk Assessment tab of the Form Arrangement. "Low" Risk are green, "Medium" are orange, and "High" are red.
- Once information has been completed by the Supplier Manager, the status of the Supplier can be moved to the next stage in the workflow, from Evaluating to Onboarding.
- Onboarding occurs when the Supplier is filling out Agreements with the company and establishing a service design.
- Once a Supplier has been approved and is acting as a service provider, the Supplier should be moved to the Active phase of the workflow.
- Offboarding may occur as a result of poor performance and serves as the phase a Supplier will be in if the company is currently attempting to sever ties. During this phase, a replacement Supplier should be chosen.
- The Inactive phase occurs when a Supplier is no longer being used and has fulfilled all existing Tasks or Agreements.