Define Accessories and Permissions for a Mobile Device CI
Define configurations for a mobile device CI such as name, cost, and access.
To define accessories for a mobile device CI:
- In the CSM Desktop Client menu bar, select Tools > Table Management. See CSM Desktop Client menu bar.
The Table Management interface opens.
- In the Type drop-down list, select Product Catalog.
Product catalog items open in the grid.
- Select a mobile device item (example: Apple iPhone 5 32GB), and then select the Show Current Record button.
The record (example: Product - iPhone 5 32GB) opens.
- Define accessories for the item:
- In an accessory field, type the name of the accessory (example: Phone Case).
- In the Cost Field, type the cost of the accessory (example: $35.00).
You must define accessories for each mobile device item in your product catalog.
- Define permissions for who can access the item in the drop-down list on the Specifics form:
- Select the Include Specific Departments link.
- Do one of the following to grant permissions to access the item in the drop-down list:
- Select the add from list link to grant permissions to all members of a specific department.
- Select the add all departments link to grant permissions to all members of all company departments.
To remove all departments from the list, select the Clear All link.
- Select Save.