Configure Cherwell Mobile Login Settings

Use the Mobile Apps page in the Security Settings window (n CSM Administrator to configure login settings for Cherwell Mobile applications (Cherwell Mobile for iOS and Cherwell Mobile for Android.

  • Whether or not to store the user's Cherwell Mobile login user ID and password. When stored, those login values are saved (remembered) so that the next time the user logs in, the login Fields will be automatically populated.
  • Whether or not to enable SAML.

    Cherwell Mobile does not support Windows login mode.

To configure login settings for the Cherwell Mobile applications:

  1. In the CSM Administrator main window, click the Security category, and then click the Edit Security Settings task.
  2. Click the Mobile Apps page.
  3. Select a login option for all Cherwell Mobile applications:
    • Store both User ID and Password: Select this radio button to store the user's Login ID and password on each user's mobile device, auto-populating the login Fields.

      This might be considered insecure because any person who gets access to a user’s mobile device will be able to view CSM data without any prompt for identity. Also, while the device stores the user ID and Password in the correct, secure manner, there are techniques for retrieving this information.

    • Store User ID, but prompt for Password: Select this radio button to store the user's Login ID but not the password.
    • Prompt for User ID and Password: Select this radio button to prompt for the User's Login ID and password every time they log in to a Cherwell Mobile application.
    • Allow SAML Login: Select this check box to enable users to log into Cherwell Mobile applications using SAML.

    SAML is supported on Cherwell Mobile for Android, as well as Cherwell Mobile for ioS version 2.0 or greater.

  4. Select OK.