Email Worksheet

Organize email information such as user credentials, account information, and server location into a worksheet for easy reference during the configuration process.

Before configuring CSM email, users must create three email accounts using their own email service:

  • Test Receiver Account: Create a test email account to receive test messages from CSM (example: [email protected]).
  • Test Sender Account: Create a test email account to send messages via CSM (example: [email protected]).
  • Production Account: Create a production email account to send messages via CSM (example: [email protected]).

Depending on the type of email service being used, complete one of the following worksheets to organize the email information.

POP or IMAP Account

Email Item

Test Account (Sender) Information


Production Account Information

Account Name      
  Example: MyDevAccount   Example: MyProductionAccount
Account Username      
  Example: ServiceDeskTESTSender   Example: Support
Account Password      
  Example: Colorado719   Example: Colorado719
Incoming (POP or IMAP) Server Location      
  Example: pop.PrimaryDomain or imap.PrimaryDomain   Example: pop.PrimaryDomain or imap.PrimaryDomain
Incoming (POP or IMAP) Server Security Protocol      
  Example: Auto, Basic, SSL, TLS   Example: Auto, Basic, SSL, TLS
Outgoing (SMTP Server Security Protocol      
  Example: smtp.PrimaryDomain   Example: smtp.PrimaryDomain

Exchange Account

Email Item

Test Account (Sender) Information


Production Account Information

Account Name      
  Example. MyDevAccount   Example. MyProductionAccount
Account Username      
  Example. ServiceDeskTESTSender   Example. Support
Account Password      
  Example: Colorado719   Example: Colorado719
Exchange Domain      
  Example:   Example:
Server (Client Access)      
  Example:   Example: