Create a Relationship Using the Relationship Properties Window
The Relationship Properties window allows you to define and edit detailed properties for a Relationship.
When you create or edit a Relationship using the Relationship Properties window, you define:
- General properties: Name, description, Relationship type, and cardinality.
- Link properties: How to connect parent and child objects.
- (Advanced Users) Database properties: Options for using a foreign key for the Relationship.
- Auditing properties: Options for tracking records within the Relationship.
- (Advanced Users) Advanced properties: How to handle objects that are children in a Relationship, define attributes, etc.
The Relationship Properties window is available in the Relationship Editor (accessed from within a Blueprint in CSM Administrator).
To create a Relationship using the Relationship Properties window:
- Open the Relationship Editor.
- Click the Add button.
- Define properties for the Relationship:
Select OK.
The Relationship is added to the Business Object and is available in the Relationship Editor.
- Publish the Blueprint (File > Publish Blueprint to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File > Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes.