Using the Activity Pane

Create a Note

Click Create Note to add a note. Notes appear in the Internal Notes tab.

Pin a Note

You can pin records for easy access. When a record is pinned, a pin icon appears by the header and the record is duplicated in the Pinned tab.

To pin a record:

  1. In the CSM Desktop Client, right-click the Header/Title area of the record.
  2. From the context menu, select Pin.
  3. In the CSM Browser Client, click the vertical dots button and select Pin.

To unpin a record:

  1. In the CSM Desktop Client, right-click the Header/Title area of the record.
  2. From the context menu, select Unpin.
  3. In the CSM Browser Client, click the vertical dots button and select Unpin.


Activities are sorted by the Created Date/Time. You can reverse the sort order of the activities. Records displayed on the Activity tab can be sorted by Created Date. If the Activity type of Created is not mapped, the sorting control will be hidden.


Use the search field on each Activity Pane tab to search only that particular tab. Search results are cleared when you switch to another tab.