HTML Page Editor
Use the HTML Editor to design and code your own HTML page.
To open the HTML Page Editor:
- From the HTML Page Manager, create a new HTML page or edit an existing HTML page (right-click the page and select Edit).
When using a two-tier connection, a CSM login window opens. Provide your user name and password to open the HTML Editor tool. - To delete a page from the HTML Page Editor in the CSM Desktop Client, select the page, and then select Delete (or right-click and select Delete).
If you select Cancel, it does NOT delete the page.
- From the toolbar, use the following CSM-specific buttons for common CSM actions:
- Edit CSS
- Insert Cherwell action
- Insert Cherwell image
- Insert Cherwell expression, stored value, or system function
- Preview in browser
For more information on the Jodit Editor 3, see the XDSoft documentation at