Search for Knowledge Articles Using Quick Search in the Task Pane

Use the Quick Search in the Task pane to search for Knowledge Articles.

To search for Knowledge Articles using the Quick Search pane:

  1. Open a Quick Search pane.
  2. Select the down arrow on the Search button, and then select Knowledge Article.
  3. In the Search Knowledge Article field, provide a word or phrase to search (example: Printing).
  4. Define search criteria:
    • View open <Business Objects> only.
    • Search a specific timeframe.
    • Include relationships in the search (example: Related Business Objects).
    • Select Search Attachments to return results that match the text within .txt, .doc, and .xls files.
  5. Select Go.

The Quick Search results display in a list or grid in the main pane. Results display in order of relevancy ranking. This means the records most likely to be relevant to your search string display at the top of the results by default.