Actions vary depending on the location from which they are initiated. For example, an Action to display a Document Repository can be initiated from a Customer Portal menu bar, but not from a toolbar in the Desktop Client.
System administrators can add Actions to the CSM Desktop Client toolbar and Task Pane (Global or Role), Customer Portals, Business Objects, Automation Processes, Dashboards, and One-Step Actions.
Users can add Actions to the CSM Desktop Client toolbar and Task Pane (Personal/User), Dashboards, and One-Step Actions (and, in some cases, modify the Global or Role defaults created by the system administrator).
Business Object Actions
Actions that access or update Business Object data require at least one Business Object to be available within the One-Step Action. A Business Object can be made available in a One-Step Action by:
Selecting a Business Object association (either the current record or an available Business Object in the Association drop-down on the One-Step Action Manager toolbar). A Business Object association can only be selected when a One-Step Action is first created and cannot be changed for an existing One-Step Action.
Creating it using a Create a New Business Object Action preceding the Action that requires Business Object access (in the One-Step Editor).
Navigating to it using a Go to a Record Action preceding the Action that requires Business Object access (in the One-Step Editor).
Some Business Object Actions allow you to select which Business Object to execute against, if more than one is available within a One-Step Action. Options can include one or more of the following, depending on which Business Objects are available:
Original Business Object from the Association (selected when the One-Step Action is created).
Business Object from a Create a New Business Object Action preceding this Action.
Business Object from a Go To a Record Action preceding this Action.