One-Step™ Actions Good to Know
- One-Step Actions in the Blueprint scope can be used virtually anywhere in CSM, but they can only be created and edited in CSM Administrator if you have security rights. The Blueprint scope is for One-Step Actions that administrators do not want Users to edit or delete, such as those that run behind the scenes (example: Form buttons and links on Forms).
To run a One-Step that is associated with a particular Business Object (example: Incident), the same type of record must be active (open or selected in a Grid). If the active record is from a different Business Object than the One-Step that is trying to run, you will receive an error.
- Actions that access or update Business Object data require at least one Business Object to be available within the One-Step Action. A Business Object can be made available in a One-Step Action by:
- Selecting a Business Object association (either the current record or an available Business Object in the Association drop-down on the One-Step Action Manager toolbar). A Business Object association can only be selected when a One-Step Action is first created and cannot be changed for an existing One-Step Action.
- Creating it using a Create a New Business Object Action preceding the Action that requires Business Object access (in the One-Step Editor).
- Navigating to it using a Go to a Record Action preceding the Action that requires Business Object access (in the One-Step Editor).
Running One-Step Actions Using Trusted Agents
- One-Step Actions that run using Trusted Agents are intended to run unattended. One-Step Actions that require User interaction during execution may fail when they are run using Trusted Agents. For example, a Run a Report Action that saves a Report to a file may fail if the User is prompted to provide information about the file, such as PDF options.
- Print Actions are supported in the CSM Browser Client and Portal when Trusted Agents are used to run the Actions. This includes Run a Report Actions that are configured to print a Report. Cherwell SaaS customers can configure a Trusted Agent to use printers on their remote network; on-premises customers can configure a Trusted Agent to use printers on their local network or on a remote network. If you do not configure Trusted Agents, Users receive an error indicating that Print Actions are not supported when the One-Step Actions is run on the Browser Client or Portal.