Query Builder Behaviors and Features

Query behaviors include:

  • By default, the first line is a Grouping Clause that states <Business Object> where all of the following are true, which represents the top level Clause that combines all of the other Clauses together.

    This phrase can be changed to <Business Object> where at least one of the following is true; however, you must choose one option.

  • The current selected Clause is indicated by the Green arrow.
  • Data relating to the Clause displays as child items below the Green arrow.

    As the Clause changes, the Query changes to represent the function of the Clause.

  • Click the Green Up/Down arrows next to the Query to move Clauses within the Query.
  • Select a Clause and click the Delete button to remove it from the Query.

The Query Builder toolbars provide the following features:

Action Description

Create a new:

  • Comparison Clause
  • Group Clause
  • Ownership Clause
  • Related Clause
  • Queue Clause
Delete Deletes the selected clause.
Copy Creates a copy of the last created clause and adds it to the last string of the Query.
Move to parent Moves the Clause to parent (CTRL+HOME).
Move to child Moves the Clause to child (CTRL+END).
Sort results by Chooses a specific value to sort the search results by
Sort in ascending order Sorts the search results in ascending order (1-10, A-Z, etc.).
Sort in descending order Sorts the search results in descending order (10-1, Z-A, etc.).
Sort with multiple columns Sorts the search results with multiple columns.
Use All Words Inserts an AND to separate the Clauses, so the search finds all words entered in the Query.
Use Any Words Inserts an OR to separate the Clauses, so the search finds any of the words entered Query.