Change the Visualization Layout
Visualizations support a number of different layouts that might be more or less appropriate depending on the type of data being displayed. The default layout used for a particular Visualization is set by the creator of the Visualization. Unless the option is disabled by that creator, you can change between the various layouts to find one that seems most appropriate:
- Annealing: Nodes are arranged using a simulated annealing graph, which uses random associations to try and arrange the data in the most appropriate way.
- Circular: Nodes are arranged in a circle.
- Clustered: Nodes are arranged using a force-directed layout, as with Spring, but groups of nodes that seem related are separated out slightly.
- Grid: Nodes are arranged into a Grid.
- Layered: Nodes are arranged in layers, keeping connected nodes as close together as possible.
- Orthogonal: Nodes are arranged horizontally and vertically, attempting to avoid overlaps.
- Spring: Nodes are arranged using a force-directed layout that attempts to keep link lengths between groups of node to a similar length.
- Topological: Nodes are arranged in a row with as few back-links as possible.
- Tree: Nodes are arranged in a tree, with parents having children. This is a good layout to use if you will never have nodes that point back to other points in the tree.
To change the Visualization layout:
- View a Visualization.
- Use the drop-down menu to select the type of layout.
- Click the Rearrange Layout button to refresh the Main pane using the selected layout.