Client Command-Line Options

Use the CSM client command-line options to automatically execute instructions or commands. Client command-line options can launch programs more quickly and use fewer system resources.

To use the CSM client command-line options, execute the CSM Desktop Client with arguments. The client application to run is called Trebuchet.App.exe, which is found in the Cherwell Service Management installation directory.

General Settings

Option Description
/? Provides help text for the supported command-line options.
/c This is the connection to use. To use a connection that is available to all users of the machine, add the prefix [Common]. To use a connection that is associated with the current user, add the prefix [User]. When using the interactive dialog, [Common] connections are on the All Users tab, while [User] connections are on the tab named for the current user.
/u This is the user ID to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled and is not supported with other authentication types (Windows or LDAP).
/p This is the password to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled and is not supported with other authentication types (Windows or LDAP).

Putting a password into a shortcut is a potential security issue, since other users can edit the properties of the shortcut and read the password.

/l or /r This is the culture override. Example language culture pairs are: de-DE (German), fr-FR (French), and pt-BR (Portuguese). Use /l to set the culture for content strings; use /r to set the culture for platform strings. For more information, see String Types.

The format for connection is:

Trebuchet.App.exe /c "[Common]connection name"

The format for user ID and password is:

Trebuchet.App.exe /u user ID/p password

The format for culture is:

Trebuchet.App.exe /l language-culture pair /r language-culture pair

Logging Authentication Information

Option Description
/la logfile This option specifies the path and file name where authentication information should be logged. This must also be enabled in Security Settings.

Command Execution

Option Description
/n This option specifies to use a new window (default).
/g [name] [id] This is the Goto record: Name = name of Business Object; ID = ID of record. This command takes the system to a particular record, identified by its internal record ID. This is a special value used to uniquely identify records (Example: 939cd1f313b3b6866ef7d043faa258398c765d444a). Obtain this value by running a One-Step Action that populates or writes to a field or a file, the value in the RecID field. An exception to this is the Incident Business Object. For historical reasons, (although there is a RecID field in Incident) Incident actually uses its IncidentID as a RecID. Other custom objects might also use different fields for the record ID. If using a tool to launch CSM and bring up a record, sometimes the RecID comes from a query or other mechanism.
/gp [name] [public id] This is the Goto record by public ID: Name = name of the Business Object; Public ID = Public ID of record. The Public ID of a Business Object is the ID by which it is normally identified by users. For an Incident, this would be the Incident ID; for a Change, it would be the Change ID (Example: Change 12345). The Public ID does not need to be a number. For example, the Public ID for a customer is the customer's full name.
/gs [name] [Saved Search] This is the Goto Saved Search: Name = name of the Business Object; Saved Search = Name of Saved Search. This option launches a named global search and displays the results. Use the following format for the Saved Search to launch non-global searches: Scope;Scope-Owner;SavedSearch. The scope can be any supported scope – Global, Team, Persona (the internal name for role), user, etc. The scope-owner must be the internal ID of the owner.

This is a 42-character ID that identifies the team, the user, or the role. For this reason, this functionality is designed to be used in very specialized circumstances.

/s [name] [search text] This executes a text search: Name = name of the Business Object; Search text = text to find. This option allows searching for arbitrary text in the specified type of record. This is the equivalent of typing search text into the quick search box in the main application.

The Business Object must have full-text searching enabled, and the text needs to be URL encoded.

/NP This executes a new process. Normally, when launching the CSM Desktop Client (with or without any additional command-line arguments) the system checks if it is already running. If it is, a new window of the existing process is launched. This means the program launches more quickly and uses less system resources. If the application is already running, arguments related to connection, user ID, and password are ignored. By using /NP, the application does not try to find an existing instance and always launches a new one.

If the CSM Desktop Client is run from two different directories, it always creates a new instance.

The format for Goto record is:

Trebuchet.App.exe /g [name] [id]

The format for Goto record by public ID is:

Trebuchet.App.exe /gp [name] [public id]

The format for Goto Saved Search is:

Trebuchet.App.exe /gs [name] [Saved Search]

The format for search for text is:

Trebuchet.App.exe /s [name] [search text]