Platform Resource Manager Command-Line Options

Use the Platform Resource Manager command-line utility to export and import CSM platform string satellite assemblies. Assemblies are exported as .dll files, which can be imported into software localization tools.

Review and modify strings in the localization tool, and then export them as a satellite assembly that can be reimported into CSM using the Platform Resource Manager command-line utility.

The Platform Resource Utility is run from the command window by calling Trebuchet.Platform.Resource.Manager.exe. This utility is located in the Cherwell Service Management installation directory.


To exports assemblies, you must install the .Net SDK developer tools on the machine that runs the Platform Resource Manager command-line utility. You can download and install the relevant tools from

Export and Import Options

Option Description


Use to convert to a .tsv file DevExpress assemblies from English to the specified culture. The DevExpress binaries must be available in the specified folder. (Use /rexp to export the DevExpress assemblies.)


/devex "C:\temp\filelocation\de-de" "de-de"


Use to export and create the binary resource files in the specified location for the target language specified. The target language parameter must match a value in the CSM database.


/rexp "C:\temp\filelocation" "de-de"


Use to import resource assemblies.

Optional parameters: Assemblies folder location; language/culture pair.


/ri "C:\temp\filelocation\de-de" "de-de"

When invoked with no parameters from the folder than contains assemblies, the assemblies are scanned for resources and imported as en.


Optional. Use with /rexp to provide the location of the Microsoft Windows SDK utility (AL.exe).


/tools "C:\Programs\toollocation\al.exe"

If not used, the application will try to determine the location, if possible.

Optional Connection Options

You can specify optional connection options from the command line. If you do not, you are prompted to select a connection and login information when you run an export or import command.

Option Description


This is the connection to use. To use a connection that is available to all users of the machine, add the prefix [Common]. To use a connection that is associated with the current user, add the prefix [User]. When using the interactive dialog, [Common] connections are on the All Users tab, while [User] connections are on the tab named for the current user.


This is the user ID to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled and is not supported with other authentication types (Windows or LDAP).


This is the password to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled and is not supported with other authentication types (Windows or LDAP).

Putting a password into a shortcut is a potential security issue, since other users can edit the properties of the shortcut and read the password.