Finding and Replacing Strings

You can search for strings in a Language Pack and replace strings in the target language as needed.

To find and replace strings in a Language Pack:

  1. Opening the Language Pack Editor.
  2. Click the Find icon ().
    The Find and Replace dialog opens.

    To find and replace strings, your cursor must be placed in a Target row when you click the Find icon.

  3. Use the following options to find and replace strings:
    Find What Provide the text you want to find.
    Replace and Replace WithIf you select the Target segment option, you can select the Replace check box and specify replacement text.
    SegmentChoose to search for Source or Target strings.
    Only Whole WordsSelect this check box to limit the search to whole words only.
    Match CaseSelect this check box to limit the search to words that match the case of the text you want to find.
    Find PreviousClick this button to find text that occurs before the string selected in the Language Pack Grid.
    Find NextClick this button to find the next occurrence of the text.
    ReplaceClick this button to replace the next occurrence of the text.
    Replace AllClick this button to replace all occurrences of the text.