Managing Language Packs
Manage Language Packs through the Language Pack Settings dialog in the Globalization category in CSM Administrator or through a Blueprint or mApp Solution, depending on how you intend to distribute the Language Pack.
For example:
- If you are managing translated strings for a single CSM system, use the Language Pack Settings dialog box.
- If you intend to distribute translated strings with a mApp Solution or a Blueprint, use the Language Pack Manager.
Language Pack Settings Dialog
Use the Language Pack Settings dialog to:
- Create Language Packs.
- Edit strings in a Language Packs.
- Apply a Language Pack bundle to your system.
- Export a Language Pack to a tab-delimited (.tsv) file.
- Import Language Packs after strings have been translated in an exported Language Pack.
- Merge two Language Packs with the same culture pair.
- View Language Pack bundle properties.
- Delete a Language Pack.
To open the Language Pack Settings dialog from the CSM Administrator Main Window, select the Globalization category, and then select Manage Language Packs.
You can sort and filter the list of Language Packs on the Language Pack Settings dialog by:
- Name
- Source
- Target
- Scope
- Description
- Created By
- Created Date
- Last Modified By
- Last Modified Date
To sort the list, click a column header.
To filter the list, select the Filter icon on the right side of the column header, and then select the values to filter the list as needed. For example, you can filter the list of Language Packs by scope, such as those that only include platform strings.
Language Pack Manager
Use the Language Pack Manager to:
- Add a Language Pack to a Blueprint or mApp Solution.
- Create a Language Pack.
- Edit a Language Pack.
To open the Language Pack Manager from a Blueprint or mApp Solution, select Managers > Language Packs.