Configure a Machine Learning Model

Determine the fields that should be used for input and prediction in the machine learning model.

To create a machine learning model:

  1. Open CSM Administrator.
  2. Select Create a new Blueprint from the Common Tasks list.
    The New Blueprint page opens in the main pane.
  3. Select Managers > Machine Learning.
    The Machine Learning Manager opens.

    Machine Learning Manager window

  4. Select the Business Object that will use the classification model from the Association drop-down list.
  5. Right-click in the Machine Learning Model pane and select New.
    The Machine Learning Model Properties dialog box opens.
  6. Complete the fields for the machine learning model.
    NameThe title of the machine learning model.
    DescriptionA description of the machine learning model.
    Filed used for inputField to be used as input for the classification model. The field options in the drop-down list are restricted to the selected Business Object.
    Field to be predictedField that will display the predictions based on the classification model. The field options in the drop-down list are restricted to items in lookup tables. The model will autopopulate this field when content is entered in the input field.

    By default, the record limit on lookup tables used for predictions is 250 records. You can increase the record limit to a maximum of 500 (in the Machine Learning Manager, select Machine Learning > Settings).

  7. Close the Machine Learning Manager.