Canonical Operations

Refer to About the Cherwell Canonical REST API for information about the CherwellCanonical REST API.

These operations are primarily intended for customers and vendors to create reusable integrations between third-party software and customized CSM systems. If you are a Cherwell Administrator and need to integrate with your instance of CSM, we recommend beginning with the Named Object Operations.

For the operation URLs listed below, {BusObName} is replaced in Swagger with the canonical name of the Business Object on which the action is performed, and {Version} is replaced with the version of the canonical Business Object Schema. For example, for a custom Business Object called Ticket that is mapped to version one of the canonical Schema for Incident, the Describe Business Object URL is GET /api/V1/canonical/Incident.

Operations are ordered by URL.

Describe Business Object

  • URL

    GET /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}

  • Description:

    Get the Business Object Schema using the canonical Business Object name.

Create Business Object

  • URL

    POST /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}

  • Description:

    Create a new Business Object.

Delete Business Object by Business Object ID

  • URL

    DELETE /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}/{ID}

  • Description:

    Delete a Business Object using the Business Object ID.

Update Business Object by Business Object ID

  • URL

    PATCH /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}/{ID}

  • Description:

    Update a Business Object using the Business Object ID.

Search for Business Object by Search Term, Value, or Date Range

  • URL

    GET /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}/search

  • Description:

    Search for a Business Object using a search term, value, or date range. You can specify one or more search criteria. The search parameters are appended to the URL.

Search for Business Object

  • URL

    POST /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}/search

  • Description:

    Search for a Business Object. You can specify one or more search criteria. The search parameters are contained within the request body.

Get Business Object Comments

  • URL

    GET /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}/{id}/Comments

  • Description:

    Get comments associated with a Business Object using the Business Object ID.

Create a Business Object Comment

  • URL

    POST /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}/{id}/Comments

  • Description:

    Create a comment for a Business Object using the Business Object ID.

Delete a Business Object Comment

  • URL

    POST /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}/Comments/{id}

  • Description:

    Delete a comment for a Business Object using the comment ID.

Describe Business Object Comments

  • URL

    GET /api/{Version}/canonical/{BusObName}/Comments

  • Description:

    Get the Schema for the Business Object comments.