Client Example: No Final URI
The following shows how to create a client for handling SAML protocol without a final URI:
private void OnNavigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
dynamic doc = webBrowser.Document;
// Look for SAMLPOSTBACK meta tag - this is how we know we have the correct page
var elements = doc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
foreach (HTMLMetaElement element in elements)
if (string.Compare(, "SAMLPOSTBACK", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
// if this were a popup dialog - could hide the dialog here and just return the content to a calling page
// the json data is stored in the metadata
string samlAssertionData = element.content;
private void LoginToRest(string samlAssertionData)
var samlAssertion = JObject.Parse(samlAssertionData);
// Setup the default header
var baseuri = "http://host/CherwellApi/";
var apiversion = "1";
var apiClient = new ApiClient(baseuri);
string clientid = "your client id";
string user = samlAssertion.GetValue("NameId", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToString();
string password = samlAssertion.GetValue("Ticket", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToString();
// Login to REST service
ServiceApi service = new ServiceApi(apiClient);
TokenResponse tokenResponse = service.ServiceToken("password", clientid, user, password, string.Empty, "saml");
// Setup the default header
apiClient.DefaultHeader.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + tokenResponse.AccessToken);
// Create search results request
SearchResultsRequest searchResults = new SearchResultsRequest { BusObId = "6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae" };
// Query for data
SearchesApi searches = new SearchesApi(apiClient);
SearchResultsResponse response = searches.SearchesGetSearchResultsAdHocV1(searchResults);
string message = "There are " + response.TotalRows + " incidents";
catch (ApiException ex)