PowerShell Example: Perform an Ad-hoc Search with Filter

The following example shows how to perform an ad-hoc search for Incidents using a filter.

# Set server login variables
$serverName = "your server"
$apiKey = "your client id"
$userName = "CSDAdmin"
$password = "CSDAdmin"
$baseUri = "http://${serverName}/CherwellAPI/"

# Get an access token
$tokenUri = $baseUri + "token"
$authMode = "Internal"
$tokenRequestBody =
    "Accept" = "application/json";
    "grant_type" = "password";
    "client_id" = $apiKey;
    "username" = $userName;
    "password"= $password
$tokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "${tokenUri}?auth_mode=${authMode}&api_key=${apiKey}" -Body $tokenRequestBody

$requestHeader = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($tokenResponse.access_token)" }

# Get the business object summary for Incident. This will give us the busObId
$summaryUri = $baseUri + "api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobname/Incident"
$summaryResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $summaryUri -ContentType application/json -Header $requestHeader
$busObId = $summaryResponse[0].busobId

# Get the business object template for Incident. We need this to get the field id for ShortDescription
$templateUri = $baseUri + "api/V1/getbusinessobjecttemplate"
$templateRequestBody =
    busObId = $busobId
    includeAll = $true
} | ConvertTo-Json
$templateResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $templateUri -ContentType application/json -Header $requestHeader -Body $templateRequestBody
$shortDescField = $templateResponse.fields | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "ShortDescription"}

# Put together the request
$searchResultsRequest =
@{    Q
    BusObId = $busobId;
    Filters = @(
            fieldId = $shortDescField.fieldId;
            Operator = "eq";
            Value = "Printer Issue"
} | ConvertTo-Json

# Run the search
$searchUri = $baseUri + "api/V1/getsearchresults"
$searchResultsResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $searchUri -ContentType application/json -Header $requestHeader -Body $searchResultsRequest

Write-Host $searchResultsResponse