PowerShell Example: Create an Incident
The following example shows how to create an Incident using PowerShell.
The following example shows how to create an Incident using PowerShell.
# Functions
Function Set-FieldValue
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]
,[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]
,[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]
$field = $template.fields | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $fieldName}
if (!$field)
throw [System.Exception]"fieldName does not exist in template"
$field.value = $value
$field.dirty = $true
# Logon to Service
# Set server login variables
$serverName = "your server"
$apiKey = "your client id"
$userName = "CSDAdmin"
$password = "CSDAdmin"
$baseUri = "https://${serverName}/CherwellAPI/"
# Get an access token
$tokenUri = $baseUri + "token"
$authMode = "Internal"
$tokenRequestBody =
"Accept" = "application/json";
"grant_type" = "password";
"client_id" = $apiKey;
"username" = $userName;
"password"= $password
$tokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "${tokenUri}?auth_mode=${authMode}&api_key=${apiKey}" -Body $tokenRequestBody
$requestHeader = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($tokenResponse.access_token)" }
# Get Customer Data
# Get the business object summary for customer internal
$summaryUri = $baseUri + "api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobname/CustomerInternal"
$summaryResults = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $summaryUri -ContentType application/json -Header $requestHeader
$busobId = $summaryResults[0].busobId
# Get the business object schema for customer interal
$schemaUri = $baseUri + "api/V1/getbusinessobjectschema/busobid/" + $busobId
$schemaResults = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $schemaUri -ContentType application/json -Header $requestHeader
# Get the fieldId for the Full Name field so we can use it for a search.
$fullNameField = $schemaResults.fieldDefinitions | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq "Full name"}
# Create the search results request to lookup the customer and get the customers recid
$filterInfo =
fieldId = $($fullNameField.fieldId);
operator = "eq";
value = "Eric Cox"
$searchResultsRequest =
busObID = $busobId;
filters = @($filterInfo)
} | ConvertTo-Json
# Run the search
$searchUri = $baseUri + "api/V1/getsearchresults"
$searchResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $searchUri -ContentType application/json -Header $requestHeader -Body $searchResultsRequest
# Set the recid to be used in the creation of the incident
$customerRecId = $searchResponse.businessObjects[0].busObRecid
# Get the business object summary for incident
$summaryUri = $baseUri + "api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobname/Incident"
$summaryResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $summaryUri -ContentType application/json -Header $requestHeader
$busobId = $summaryResponse[0].busobId
# Create a Business Object Template for BusObID for the specified criteria
# Create request for the business object template POST method
$getTemplateUri = $baseUri + "api/V1/GetBusinessObjectTemplate"
$templateRequest =
busObId = $busobId;
includeRequired = $true;
includeAll = $true
} | ConvertTo-Json
$templateResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $getTemplateUri -Header $requestHeader -ContentType application/json -Body $templateRequest
# Set values in the template
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "Status" -value "New"
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "Description" -value "From Powershell using REST API"
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "ShortDescription" -value "New Incident"
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "CustomerRecID" $customerRecId
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "Priority" -value "2"
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "Source" -value "Phone"
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "IncidentType" -value "Incident"
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "Service" -value "Employee Support"
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "Category" -value "Add/Change"
Set-FieldValue -template $templateResponse -fieldName "Subcategory" -value "New Employee Setup"
# Create New Business Object
# Get the fields portion of the template and use it in the request for a new BO
$createBOUri = $baseuri + "api/V1/SaveBusinessObject"
$createBORequest =
busObId = $busobId;
fields = @($($templateResponse.fields))
} | ConvertTo-Json
# Submit business object to server
$createBOResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $createBOUri -Header $requestHeader -ContentType application/json -Body $createBORequest