Using Swagger Code Generation
Use swagger-codegen to generate client code.
Changes to the Cherwell® REST API may require you to regenerate Swagger code after you upgrade to a new version of CSM. If you receive errors in your API calls after you upgrade, follow the guidance in this article to regenerate client code.
Follow this process:
- Download the swagger-codegen JAR from the Maven website.
- Create a .bat file similar to the following example: Copy
java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i
http://localhost/CherwellApi/swagger/docs/all -l csharp -o cherwell/client/csharp - Place the .bat file in the same level as the Swagger code gen modules directory.
The example script creates output in a cherwell/client/csharp directory at the same level where the .bat file is placed.
- Add the generated code from the output directory to your project and reference it.
You can now call the generated Swagger code for CSM.
Sample Authenticated Request
var service = new ServiceApi(baseuri);
var tokenResponse = service.ServiceToken("password", clientid, "", username, password, "", "Internal");
var searchesApi = new SearchesApi(Baseuri);
searchesApi.DefaultHeader.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + tokenResponse.AccessToken);
var searchItemResponse = searchesApi.SearchesGetSearchItemsV1(null);