System Settings Security Rights

System settings rights are selected from the Category drop-down on the Rights tab in CSM Administrator (Security > Security Groups).

Right Description (when selected Check Box) Grant To:
Can choose a custom form when configuring the Create New Command from the Command Selector?

Allow: Allows selected users to choose a custom form when configuring the Create New Command from the Command Selector.

Example: When creating Portal menus, users can define a Create New command that runs a One-Step Action before or after creating the object and also have an alternate form be displayed instead of the main form. This is useful to create a custom New Incident form that is different for different types of requests.

  • System administrators
Can clear role settings? Allow: Allows selected users to clear settings and remembered information (example: toolbar and window positions) for a particular role or all roles in CSM Administrator.
  • System administrators
  • Managers
  • Users
Can configure definition for custom toolbars for roles? Allow: Allows selected users to create custom toolbars for roles.
  • System administrators
  • Managers
Can configure definition for Task Panes for roles? Allow: Allows selected users to create custom Task Panes for roles.
  • System administrators
  • Managers
Can configure global definition for custom toolbars? Allow: Allows selected users to create Global toolbars.
  • System administrators
  • Managers
Can configure global definition for Task Panes? Allow: Allows selected users to create Global Task Panes.
  • System administrators
Group maps?

Allows people working with Group Maps in CSM Administrator? to:

  • View: Access Group Maps.
  • Add: Create Group Maps.
  • Edit: Edit existing Group Maps.
  • Delete: Delete Group Maps.
  • System administrators
Stored Field formats?

Allows people working with Stored Field formats (example: Telephone numbers, zip codes) in CSM Administrator to:

  • View: Access Stored Field formats.
  • Add: Add Stored Fields?
  • Edit: Edit existing Stored Field formats?
  • Delete: Delete Stored Field formats?
  • System administrators

Allows people working with the View Manager to:

  • View: Access the View Manager.
  • Add: Create Views.
  • Edit: Edit Views.
  • Delete: Delete Views.
  • System administrators