Configuration Management Security Rights

Configuration Management rights are selected from the Category drop-down on the Rights tab in CSM Administrator (Security > Edit Security Groups).

Right Description (when checked Check Box) Grant To:

Device Manager?


Allows people working with the Device Manager to:

  • View: Access devices in the Device Manager.
  • Add: Create devices in the Device Manager.
  • Edit: Edit devices in the Device Manager.
  • Delete: Delete devices in the Device Manager.

View/Run Only:

  • Managers
  • Users

All rights:

  • System administrators
Discovery Rules Manager?

Allows people working with the Discovery Rules Manager to:

  • View: Access the Discovery Rules Manager.
  • Add: Create Discovery Rules.
  • Edit: Edit Discovery Rules.
  • Delete: Delete Discovery Rules.

View/Run Only:

  • Managers
  • Users

All rights:

  • System administrators
Run Discovery and Inventory? Allow: Allows selected users to create a scheduled Action to run Discovery and Inventory. Otherwise, the Config Discovery and Config Inventory items do not show as Actions when scheduling an item.
  • System administrators
  • Managers
  • Users