Reports Security Rights

Reports rights are selected from the Category drop-down on the Rights tab (CSM Administrator>Security>Edit Security Groups).

Right Description (when checked Check Box) Grant To:

Report styles?

Rights are organized by scope: Blueprint, Global, Role, Team, and User.

Allows people working with Report styles in CSM Desktop to:

  • View: Access Report styles.
  • Add: Create Report styles.
  • Edit: Edit Report styles.
  • Delete: Delete Report styles.

View/Run Only:

  • Users
  • Managers

All rights:

  • System administrators
Report can be run against all records in a system?

Allows people working with Reports to create a Report that uses all records in the system to generate the new Report in the Cherwell Report Wizard.

This is not recommended as there is no way to tell how many records a table will have upon generating the Report.

  • Users
  • Managers
  • System administrators


Rights are organized by scope: Blueprint, Global, Role, Team, and User.

Allows people working with Reports in the CSM Desktop Client, Browser Client, and Customer Portal to:

  • View: Access Reports.
  • Run: Run Reports.
  • Edit: Edit Reports.
  • Delete: Delete Reports.

View/Run Only:

  • Users/Customers
  • Managers

All rights:

  • Advanced Users (Level 2 and 3 technicians)
  • System administrators