Connection Creation Command-Line Options

Use the Command-Line Configuration (CLC) /create2tier and /create3tier major commands to access all sub-commands to create or update two-tier or three-tier connections to the CSM database.



/create2tier /connection=2TierConnection /sqlconnectionstring="Data Source=$env:dbServer,1433;Initial Catalog=$env:dbName;DbOwner=dbo;User ID=$env:dbAdminUser;Password=$env:dbAdminPass;Default Pooling=True;Packet Size=4096" /sqlconnectionuserid=$env:dbAppUser /sqlconnectionpassword=$env:dbAppPass

Sub-command Description


Name of the CSM connection.

Accepted values: string

Required: Yes


The SQL Server administration connection string.

Accepted values: string

Example: Data Source=ServerName,1433:Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;DbOwner=dbo;User ID=SQLAdminUserId;Password=SQLAdminPassword;Default Pooling=True;Packet Size=4096

Required: Yes


The SQL Server user ID.

Accepted values: string

Required: Yes


The password for the SQL Server user ID.

Accepted values: string

Required: Yes



/create3tier /connection=3TierConnection /url=Https:// /appserverhostiis=true

Sub-command Description


Name of the CSM connection.

Accepted values: string

Required: Yes


The URL to the remote machine.

Accepted values: string

Required: Yes


If true, the Application Server is hosted in Internet Information Services (IIS).

Accepted values: {true | false}