Export System Command-Line Options

Use the Command-Line Configuration (CLC) /exportsystem major command to export CSM to a .czar or .car file.

In the following examples, square brackets (example: [Common]) denote placeholder variables for customer data. Replace these variables, including the brackets, with your own values.



/exportsystem /connection="[Common]Cherwell Browser" /connectionuserid=CSDAdmin /connectionpassword=CSDAdmin /filename=C:\temp\system.czar /format=Czar /mode=EntireSystemAndData

Sub-command Description


The name of the CSM connection.

Accepted values: string

Required: Yes


The CSM User ID for the requested server.

Accepted values: string

Required: Yes


The CSM password for the requested server.

Accepted values: string

Required: Yes


The full path and filename to export the system to. The path must exist.

Accepted values: {filepath}

Required: Yes


File format for the exported system.

Accepted values: {czar | car}

Default Value: czar


What is to be exported.

Accepted values: {EntireSystemAndData | EntireSystemStructureOnly | EntireSystemAndLookupData}

Default Value: EntireSystemAndData


Different options for the export. Multiple flags can be separated by a comma or pipe.

Accepted values: {ExcludeAttachments | GenerateLog | ExcludeBusinessProcessData | ExcludeEncryptedFields | ExcludeEmails}