Export Settings Command-Line Options

Cherwell uses the Command-Line Configuration (CLC) /exportsettings major command to export file system settings and import them into Overwatch.

There are more than two dozen settings objects in Overwatch that are populated from the following files:

  • Trebuchet.settings
  • ComplianceLogServer.settings
  • ServerFarm.xml
  • WebAPI web.config
  • Browser Client web.config
  • Portal web.config

By default, this command looks up the location of these files based on the installation paths of the CSM applications. However, the settings files in the previous list each have a command parameter that can specify a file location override.



/exportsettings /trebuchetsettingspath="C:\Backups\trebuchet.settings" /compliancelogserverpath="C:\Backups\ComplianceLogServer.settings" /serverfarmpath="C:\Backups\ServerFarm.xml" /browserconfigpath="C:\Backups\BrowserClient\Web.config" /portalconfigpath="C:\Backups\Portal\Web.config" /webapiconfigpath="C:\Backups\WebApi\Web.config"

Sub-command Description


The name of the CSM connection.

Accepted values: string

Required: No


The CSM user ID for the requested server.

Accepted values: string

Required: No


The CSM password for the requested server.

Accepted values: string

Required: No


The path to the Trebuchet.settings file.

Accepted values: string

Required: No

Default location: C:\ProgramData\Trebuchet\trebuchet.settings


The path to the ComplianceLogServer.settings file.

Accepted values: string

Required: No

Default location: C:\ProgramData\Trebuchet\ComplianceLogServer.settings"


The path to the ServerFarm.xml file.

Accepted values: string

Required: No

Default location: C:\ProgramData\Trebuchet\ServerFarm.xml


The path to the CSM Browser client web.config file.

Accepted values: string

Required: No

Default location: C:\Program Files\Cherwell Browser Applications\BrowserClient\Web.config


The path to the Portal web.config file.

Accepted values: string

Required: No

Default location: C:\Program Files\Cherwell Browser Applications\Portal\Web.config


The path to the Cherwell API web.config file.

Accepted values: string

Required: No

Default location: C:\Program Files\Cherwell Browser Applications\CherwellAPI\Web.config