Overwatch Command-Line Options
Use the Command-Line Configuration utility to install, start, and stop Overwatch, and to control CSM Portal and CSM Browser Client settings.
In the following examples, square brackets (example: [Common]) denote placeholder variables for customer data. Replace these variables, including the brackets, with your own values.
Example with minimally required commands:
/overwatch /overwatchinstall /servicepath="C:\Program Files\Cherwell Service Management\Overwatch\Trebuchet.Overwatch.exe"
Example with installation options:
Use this minor command to install Overwatch.
Sub-command | Description |
/installuserid |
User ID the service uses to log on. Accepted values: string Required: No |
/installpassword |
Password the service uses to log on. Accepted values: string Required: No |
/installaccount |
Account the service uses to log on. Accepted values: {LocalService|LocalSystem|NetworkService} Default value: LocalSystem Required: No |
/installautostart |
Sets the service to autostart during installation. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/servicepath |
Overrides the location of the windows service executable. Accepted values: string |
Use this minor command to start Overwatch.
Use this minor command to stop Overwatch.
Use this minor command to uninstall Overwatch.
This major command will update CSM Portal settings in Overwatch. If Overwatch can't be reached, this command will not work as expected.
/updateportalsettings /trebuchetdatasource=[Common]CherwellTest /testmode=true /tabcontentheight=250 /disablecertificatevalidation=true /allowunsafelabels=true /inlinebrowserdisplayextensions=.pdf,.xml /lookupalwaysenabled=true /queryrequestlimit=60 /usecdn=true /usehttpcompression=true /loadallfilesindividually=true /enablesessionserialization=true /alwaysloadkeys=true /uiinteractiontimeoutinseconds=120 /allowscriptsinreports=true /disableanchoring=true /disablesplitters=true /uselegacycompleteresponse=true /signalrconnectiontimeoutinseconds=200 /signalrdisconnecttimeoutinseconds=250 /signalrkeepaliveinseconds=300 /scanditlicensekey=da06e9dc-f4fb-4dba-954c-5b0ab614ff9b /redirecthttptohttps=true /enableinsecuredeeplinks=true /autosizelabels=true /authlogfile=mylog.txt /defaultauthmode=SamlLogin
This major command will update Browser Client settings in Overwatch. If Overwatch can't be reached, this command will not work as expected.
/updatebrowserclientsettings /trebuchetdatasource=[Common]CherwellTest /testmode=true /tabcontentheight=250 /disablecertificatevalidation=true /allowunsafelabels=true /inlinebrowserdisplayextensions=.pdf,.xml /lookupalwaysenabled=true /queryrequestlimit=60 /usecdn=true /usehttpcompression=true /loadallfilesindividually=true /enablesessionserialization=true /alwaysloadkeys=true /uiinteractiontimeoutinseconds=120 /allowscriptsinreports=true /disableanchoring=true /disablesplitters=true /uselegacycompleteresponse=true /signalrconnectiontimeoutinseconds=200 /signalrdisconnecttimeoutinseconds=250 /signalrkeepaliveinseconds=300 /scanditlicensekey=da06e9dc-f4fb-4dba-954c-5b0ab614ff9b /redirecthttptohttps=true /enableinsecuredeeplinks=true /autosizelabels=true /authlogfile=mylog.txt /defaultauthmode=SamlLogin
Use the following sub-commands with both /updateportalsettings and /updatebrowserclientsetting.
Sub-command | Description |
/trebuchetdatasource |
The name of the CSM connection (example: [Common]Cherwell Browser) to be used by the Browser Client. Accepted values: string |
/testmode |
If true, various test options are set for things like default menus. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/tabcontentheight |
The height, in pixels, of the tab content area. Accepted values: integer |
/disablecertificatevalidation |
If true, disables certificate validation when performing internal resource requests (such as to allow self-signed certificates). This can be used in a test environment to avoid errors that may arise when using SSL connections for SAML. Do NOT set this value to true in a production environment. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/allowunsafelabels |
If true, HTML and scripts can be embedded in labels to be executed in the browser (not recommended). Accepted values: {true | false} |
/inlinebrowserdisplayextensions |
Comma-separated list of file extensions whose corresponding downloadable files will have the HTTP response content-disposition header with a value of "inline". Accepted values:.pdf,.xml |
/lookupalwaysenabled |
If true, the Lookup button is enabled when editing a Business Object. By default, it is enabled only on controls that support lookups. If the logic associated with the availability of a lookup button is extremely complex, it may not enable. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/queryrequestlimit |
Number of rows to return per query. Accepted values: integer |
/usecdn |
If true, third-party *.js components (example: jquery.min.js, jquery-ui.min.js, kendo.all.min.js) are served by third-party CDNs (example: //ajax.googleapis.com , //kendo.cdn.telerik.com) and not by our site. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/usehttpcompression |
If true, HTTP compression is enabled from the server to the client. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/loadallfilesindividually |
If true, all third-party *.js components (example: jquery.min.js, jquery-ui, kendo.all.min.js) are forced to be served by CSM. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/enablesessionserialization |
Only used when NOT in web-farm mode. If true, session serialization is turned on. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/alwaysloadkeys |
If true, a Business Object relationship is forced to use keys when loading data. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/uiinteractiontimeoutinseconds |
The timeout in seconds that CSM waits for a user interface interaction request to complete. Accepted values: integer |
/allowscriptsinreports |
If true, the DevExpress.XtraReports.Security.ScriptPermissionManager.GlobalInstance is initialized using the ExecutionMode.Unrestricted mode. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/disableanchoring |
If true, disables control anchoring. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/disablesplitters |
If true, disables rendering of splitters. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/uselegacycompleteresponse |
Use the pre-10.0 mechanism for ending the request. Note that this bypasses a lot of configurations in IIS. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/signalrconnectiontimeoutinseconds |
Maximum amount of time in seconds for long polling connections to wait for a response. When this connection time expires, a timeout command is triggered and the client is forced to reconnect. Default is -1, indicating you shouldn't override SignalR's default settings. Accepted values: integer |
/signalrdisconnecttimeoutinseconds |
Maximum time in seconds after a transport connection is lost before raising the disconnected event to terminate the SignalR connection. Defaults to -1, indicating SignalR's default settings should not be overridden. Accepted values: integer |
/signalrkeepaliveinseconds |
For transports other than long polling, this value represents how often to send a keepalive packet. This value must be no more than 1/3 of the SignalRDisconnectTimeoutSec value. Defaults to -1, indicating SignalR's default settings should not be overridden. Accepted values: integer |
/scanditlicensekey |
Scandit Barcode Scanning license key Accepted values: string |
/redirecthttptohttps |
If true and the incoming request is an HTTP request, it redirects to HTTPS. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/enableinsecuredeeplinks |
If true, enables the ability to pass the username and password on the URL to all deep links. We do not recommend non-secure deep links. We recommend internal authorization with a user that has the absolute minimum permissions to perform the action (example: Creating a new Business Object), giving the appearance of an anonymous form. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/autosizelabels |
If true, labels dynamically autosizes. False is not recommended. Accepted values: {true | false} |
/authlogfile |
Authentication information log file name. Accepted values: string |
/defaultauthmode |
Sets the default login mode. Accepted values: {WinLogon|WinLogin|CherwellLogin|SamlLogin} |