Command-Line Configuration (CLC) Options
Use Configuration command-line options to automatically run instructions or commands that configure and manage CSM after it is installed using the CSM installation package or silent installation command-line options. For example, CSM Configuration command-line options can publish a Blueprint and create a Blueprint from a mApp file.
Use a command window to run Trebuchet.CommandLineConfigure.exe, which is usually found in the directory C:\Program Files\Cherwell Service Management.
Arguments can either be prefixed with a forward slash or with a dash, so /? and -? are equivalent.
In the following examples, square brackets (example: [Common]) denote placeholder variables for customer data. Replace these variables, including the brackets, with your own values.
Create a Blueprint File From a mApp File
Option | Description |
/mapp | This option allows for the creation of a Blueprint file from a mApp file. |
/mappfilepath | This is the file path to a mApp file (*.mapp or *.mappz). |
/mappoutputpath | This is the file path to store a Blueprint file (*.bp) created from a mApp file (*.mapp or *.mappz). |
/mapplegalaccept | This is a flag for accepting legal terms.
The default is False. The options are: True or False.
False prevents the Blueprint from being created. |
/mappsecurityinformationaccept | This is the flag for accepting the security
message that explains that a
mApp Solution contains Security Groups and/or Roles that may impact security
rights in the target database. The options are: True or False.
False prevents the Blueprint from being created. |
/connection | This is the common connection name (Example: Demo). |
/connectionuserid | This is the user ID for a connection. Typically, this is the CSM user ID for the requested server. |
/connectionpassword | This is the password for a connection. Typically, this is the CSM User password for the requested server. |
Trebuchet.CommandLineConfigure.exe /mapp /mapplegalaccept=true /mappfilepath="C:\..." /mappoutputpath="C:\..." /connection="[Common]Cherwell Browser" /connectionuserid=user ID/connectionpassword=password
Publish an Existing Blueprint File
Option | Description |
/publish | This option publishes an existing Blueprint file. |
/blueprint | This is the file path to a Blueprint (*.bp) for restore. It requires a user ID and password. |
/[createrollback] | This is a flag for saving a Blueprint rollback file. The default is True. The options are: True or False. |
/[scanblueprint] | This is a flag for scanning a Blueprint prior to publishing. The default is True. The options are: True or False. |
/[ignoreconflicts] | This is a flag for ignoring Blueprint conflicts while publishing. The default is True. The options are: True or False. |
/[restartservices] | This is a flag for restarting services after publishing. The default is True. The options are: True or False. |
/[unlocksystem] | This is a flag for unlocking the system after publishing. The default is True. The options are: True or False. |
/[updateforeignkeys] | This is a flag for updating foreign keys while publishing. The default is False. The options are: True or False. |
/[stoponwarning] | This is a flag to stop publishing on a warning during "/[scanblueprint]". The default is False. The options are: True or False. |
/[scanenabledculturesonly] | This is a flag to scan Business Object property values for enabled cultures only. When False is passed, all cultures are scanned. |
/[rebuildfulltext] | This is a flag for rebuilding the full text catalog while publishing. The default is False. The options are: True or False. |
/connection | This is the common connection name (Example: Demo). |
/connectionuserid | This is the user ID for a connection. Typically, this is the CSM user ID for the requested server. |
/connectionpassword | This is the password for a connection. Typically, this is the CSM User password for the requested server. |
Trebuchet.CommandLineConfigure.exe /publish /blueprint="C:\..." /connection="[Common]Cherwell Browser" /connectionuserid=user ID/connectionpassword=password
Restore a .czar File
Option | Description |
/restoreczar | This option restores a .czar file. |
/restoreczarfile | This is the file path to a .czar file for restore. This requires a user ID and password. |
/restoreenv | This is the CSM installation environment. The options are: Development, Test, or Production. |
/[restoreunicode] | Restore the .czar as Unicode? The options are: True or False. |
/[restoreplatformczarfilepath] | This is the file path to the .czar file containing platform strings. |
/[ignoreplatformczarversioncheck] | Option to skip version checks when loading a .czar file that contains platform strings. The options are: True or False. |
Test Connection
Option | Description |
/testconnection | This option tests a connection by name. |
Trusted Agents Server
Option | Description |
/trustedagenthost | This option sets up the Trusted Agents Server. |
/[trustedagenthostuninstall] | This uninstalls the Trusted Agents Server. |
/[trustedagenthostinstallaccount] | This is the account the service will log on as. The options are: LocalService, LocalSystem, or NetworkService. |
/[trustedagenthostinstalluserid] | This is the user ID the service will log on as. The value type is String. |
/[trustedagenthostinstallpassword] | This is the password the service will log on with. The value type is String. |
/[trustedagenthostinstallautostart] | This option sets the service to auto start during installation. The options are: True or False. |
/[trustedagenthoststart] | This option starts the Trusted Agents Server. |
/[trustedagenthoststop] | This option stops the Trusted Agents Server. |
/[trustedagenthostdisplayname] | This option sets the display name. The value type is String. |
/[trustedagenthosthuburl] | This is the URL of the Trusted Agent Hub to connect to. HTTPS is recommended. |
/[trustedagenthosthubsharedkey] | This is the shared key for the Trusted Agent Hub. |
/[trustedagenthostpingfrequency] | This is the hub ping frequency. The value is in seconds. |
/[trustedagenthostlogeventloglevel] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging event log level. The value type is String. |
/[trustedagenthostlogfileloglevel] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging file log level. The value type is String. |
/[trustedagenthostlogfilepath] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging file path. The value type is String. |
/[trustedagenthostlogserverloglevel] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging server log level. The value type is String. |
/[trustedagenthostlogtoevent] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging to event log. The options are: True or False. |
/[trustedagenthostlogtofile] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging to file. The options are: True or False. |
/[trustedagenthostlogtoserver] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging to log server. The options are: True or False. |
/[trustedagenthostlogmaxfilesizeinmb] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging max file size in MB. The value type is Integer. |
/[trustedagenthostlogmaxfilesbeforerollover] | This is the setting for the Trusted Agent logging max files before rollover. The value type is Integer. |
Trusted Agents Hub
Option | Description |
/trustedagenthub | This option allows configuration of the Trusted Agents Hub. |
/[trustedagenthubenable] | This enables or disables the use of Trusted Agents. The options are: True or False. |
/[trustedagenthuburl] | This is the URL that should be used for Trusted Agent communication. HTTPS is recommended. |
/[trustedagenthubsharedkey] | This is the value to use as the shared key for Trusted Agent communication. |
/[trustedagenthubgeneratesharedkey] | This option generates a new cryptographically secure key
for the Trusted Agent shared key.
Only one option can be used: Provide the value for a shared key or generate a shared key. |
/[trustedagenthuboperationtimeout] | This is the operation timeout for Trusted Agents. The value is in seconds. |
/[trustedagenthubregistrationtimeout] | This is the registration timeout for Trusted Agents. The value is in seconds. |
Upgrade Database
Option | Description |
/upgrade | This option upgrades the database, if needed. |