Configure Global System Settings
Configure Global system settings for Search, Display, Dashboards/Calendar/Visualization, Catalog, Rich Text, Record Locking, Help, and more. Most of these settings can be configured Globally, by Role, and by user.
To configure the Global System Settings:
- In the CSM Administrator main window, select the Settings category, and then select the Edit System Settings task.
- Select the Search page and configure the Global Search settings: Full Text Search, Quick Search, and Knowledge Search settings.
- Select the Display page and configure the Global Display settings: Multiple Monitor settings and a default application skin.
- Select the Dashboards page and configure these Global settings: default Dashboard, Calendar, and Visualization settings.
- Select the Catalog page and configure the Global Catalog settings: Whether or not to store primary system definitions in a local catalog file on a user's machine, to allow users to decide whether to use a definition catalog, and to force catalog files to be rebuilt each time a user restarts a CSM application.
- Select the Rich Text page and configure the Global Rich Text settings: Determines how images are stored and shown in Rich Text Fields, size limits, and the custom default font for Rich Text.
- Select the Locking page and configure the Global Record Locking settings: General Record Locking settings, OOTB Record Locking settings for all Major Business Objects, and Portal Record Locking settings.
- Select the Globalization page and configure the Global Globalization settings: Determines culture settings for your system. You can override these settings for Roles or for individual users.
- Select the Help page and configure the Global Help settings: Help system settings, and whether to globally enable/display Process and Terminology Help for Business Objects and Fields. Also configure a custom Support phone number and a custom report error email address.
- Select the Advanced page and configure the Global Advanced settings: Dashboard Widget refresh, system notifications, web service call settings, and Google Analytics settings.