Create a User Profile

Use the User Manager in CSM Administrator to create a User Profile for each CSM user.

The User Profile stores the pertinent details and properties for the user such as:

  • Login credentials: Username and password, and authentication method.
  • User information: Name, department, title, manager, contact information.
  • Account details: Password resets, reserved licenses.
  • Assigned Security Group.
  • Assigned Teams.

Good to know:

  • To save time, import users already stored in a Service Directory.
  • Login credentials (either Cherwell or Windows/Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [LDAP]), Security Group, and Full Name are required fields on a User Profile. Department, Email, and Manager are highly recommended because some features (record ownership, One-Step™ Actions/Actions, Automation Processes), if configured, use them.
  • If the user's Security Group does not yet exist, you must create it before creating the User Profile. You can create the Teams before, or on the fly.
  • The user information fields are configurable and are stored in the User Info Business Object.
  • If configured, record ownership rights (view, add, edit, delete rights) can be extended to managers, departments, and Teams/Workgroups, so carefully consider the implications of these relationships.

To create a User Profile:

  1. Open the User Manager.
  2. Select Create New.
    A [New] user is added to the list.
  3. Select the User tab.
  4. Setting User Authentication Options

  5. Define login credentials for the User (either Cherwell authentication or Windows/LDAP authentication):
    Login IDProvide a Cherwell login ID for the user (example: First initial + last name). The login is limited to 60 characters and must be unique.
    Security GroupSelect a Security Group.
    PasswordProvide a Cherwell password for the user, and then enter it again to confirm it.
    (Optional) Windows authentication
    • Windows login ID: Uses Windows credentials for login (instead of Cherwell credentials). Provide the user's Windows Login ID.

      To use this feature, Windows or LDAP must be a supported login mode (CSM Administrator > Security > Edit security settings) and select the Windows check box.

    • Requires Active Directory group membership: Select this check box to further validate the Windows login by authenticating it against Microsoft® Active Directory® (AD). If users are created on the fly from AD, this option will be set automatically.

      To use this feature, AD must be configured and LDAP must be a supported login mode (CSM Administrator > Security > Edit security settings) and select the LDAP check box.

    CultureChoose the culture option. See Set Cultures for users.
  6. Adding User Information

  7. Provide personal user Information:
    Full name Provide the user's full name.
    Set Image

    Select the image to open the Image Manager, and then select an existing image or import a new image to represent the item in the UI.

    A person's image is often called an avatar because it can be a photo or a character representation.

    DepartmentSelect the user's department.

    If configured, record ownership rights (View, Add, Edit, Delete rights) can be extended to managers, departments, and teams/workgroups, so carefully consider the implications of these relationships.

    E-mailProvide the user's email address. If email is configured, CSM can send emails to this address. Note that Automation Processes and Actions/One-Step Actions can also use an email address.

    When testing a system, consider using a test email account to avoid unnecessary emails.

    ManagerSelect the Selector button to open the User Selector window. Then, select the user's manager. Browse, search, or create a new user, if needed.

    If configured, record ownership rights (View, Add, Edit, Delete rights) can be extended to managers, departments, and teams/workgroups, so carefully consider the implications of these relationships.

    Manager E-mailAuto-populates with the selected manager's email address (if defined in the manager's User Profile). If email is configured, CSM can send email to this address. Automation Processes and Actions/One-Step Actions can also use a user's email address.
    OtherPhone numbers, fax number, availability (example: Day shift), scheduled time-off, comments.

    The user information fields are configurable and are stored in the User Info Business Object.

  8. Setting User Account Details

  9. Define account locking, password reset, and reserved license options:
    Account lockedSelect this to lock the user account.

    Accounts can also be locked using the View Logged-in Users window (CSM Administrator > Security > View currently logged-in users).

    Password never expiresSelect this to waive password expiration. This overrides any system setting to reset the password.

    If this is selected, the User must reset password at next login and Password reset date settings are hidden.

    User cannot change passwordSelect this to restrict a user from changing their password. If a password reset is required by the system, the system administrator must reset the password.
    Allow diagnosticsSelect this to grant a user permission to run the Network Health Check test.
    Has reserved licenseSelect this to reserve one of your company's concurrent licenses for this user.

    Use the Licensing window to manage all reserved licenses.

    Prevent license release

    Select this to prevent the user's license/session from being cleared when the auto-release license option is enabled. This can only be set if the user has a reserved license. It is only intended for use with the REST API.

    User must reset password at next loginSelect this to prompt the customer to change their password at their next login. This check box is cleared after the customer changes their password.

    This restarts any administrator-scheduled password reset.
    This is an immediate reset. Use this setting if the user forgot their password.

    Password reset dateSelect this to prompt a user to change their password on a specific date. Then, use the Date Selector to choose a reset date.
  10. Adding Users to Teams

  11. Add the user to one or more existing teams. If the team does not yet exist, create the team:
    1. Select the Teams tab.
    2. Select the Add.
      The Add User to Team window opens.
    3. Select one or more teams and select OK.
      The user is added to the team(s).
    4. To select a default team, select the Team, and then select Default Team.
  12. Select Save.