Device Package Status External

The device package data is an odata api that returns a list of all (or filtered) filtered list of apps targeted to devices, and their current status. Along with a log summary of past activity.

HTTP Method - GET

Returns a resource and resource collection.

Returns the package revisions in the application's user interface.

GET Method

Request URI

GET /odata/devicePackageStatusExternal?%24orderby=lastRunDateTime%20desc&%24top=20

Header Parameters

Name Type Description



Use the Bearer <access-token> value determined during the Authentication process

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description


The current API version number.

Example Request

GET /odata/devicePackageStatusExternal?%24orderby=lastRunDateTime%20desc&amp;%24top=20

Example Response



                  "@odata.count": 1,

                "value": [


                "deviceId": "Id",

                "deviceName": "ABC-w11-n5",

                "deviceNameForSorting": "abc-w11-n5",

                "fqdn": "",

                    "lastRunDateTime": "2024-05-20T17:33:09.894Z",

                         "firstRunDateTime": "2024-04-11T04:02:17.688Z",

                         "packageId": "26cdec22-ff13-43a3-9109-5c8c33ab70d7",

                         "packageName": "7Zip",

                         "packageNameForSorting": "7zip",

                         "revision": 32,

                     "distributionId": "7b3b3b3b-3b3b-3b3b-3b3b-3b3b3b3b3b3b",

                        "distributionName": "Finance",

                     "distributionNameForSorting": "finance",

                    "state": "NotCompliant",

                        "resultCode": "PACKAGE_FAILURE",

                    "runLengthInSeconds": 1,

                     "extendedInfo": "2024-05-20  17:33:09 (UTC):  NotCompliant -- DownloadAction_v2 returned Failure from combined result of:\r\nFailed - 7Zip.exe: Download returned 3781427202.",

                         "packagesJsonLastModified": "2024-05-20T19:00:52.439Z"


