third-party integration

The following lists the HTTP methods, their descriptions, and expected results returned when the third-party integration is completed successfully.

HTTP Method - GET

Returns a resource and resource collection.

HTTP Method - POST

Returns an action and creates a new resource (ID set by service).

GET Method

Request URI

Example request uri:


This request gets all the on-demand bots.

Example Response

    "name": "Juan Bot",
    "description": "",
    "getBotInputs": {
      "verb": "GET",
      "url": "/api/external/getBotInputs/642d4d01091245ad5c98c90c"
    "runBot": {
      "verb": "POST",
      "url": "/api/external/runBot",
      "body": {
        "botDefinitionId": "642d4d01091245ad5c98c90c",
        "agentIds": [],
        "inputs": []


Gets all the inputs that are needed to run the bot.

Name Type Description
botDefinitionId *


The unique identifier of the bot definition.

Example Response

    "name": "Antivirus Name",
    "optional": false,
    "type": "string",
    "choices": [],
    "inputId": "acd5ac4a-15cc-4cf8-b79e-57bcfa01a5b4",
    "inputValue": null


Gets all log messages for a given device.

Name Type Description
workflowInvocationId *


The unique identifier of the bot invocation.

deviceId *


The unique identifier of the Ivanti device id.

Example Response

  "state": "Success",
  "messages": [
      "created": "2023-10-26T10:12.010Z",
      "message": "Initiating Antivirus stage"
      "created": "2023-10-26T10:13.042Z",
      "message": "Completed Antivirus stage"


Gets the results for a bot when provided with the workflowInvocationId.

Name Type Description
workflowInvocationId *


The unique identifier of the bot invocation.

Response Output Example

  "tenantId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-84ba20252626",
  "workflowInvocationId": "4cb2a32d-0d38-49a0-b5e2-3aaaca32edff",
  "workflowDefinitionId": "642d4d01091245ad5c98c90c/2",
  "botName": "Juan",
  "invocationDate": "2023-04-05T11:05:41.050Z",
  "state": "Success",
  "started": "2023-04-05T11:05:46.798Z",
  "finished": "2023-04-05T11:06:00.511Z",
  "targeting": {
    "agentGroups": [],
    "devices": [
        "id": "P1CO76D75AF6094D2817EDC446C2088621535DDC",
        "name": "JG-VM"
  "inputs": [
      "inputId": "acd5ac4a-15cc-4cf8-b79e-57bcfa01a5b4",
      "inputValue": "Microsoft Defender"
  "results": [
      "deviceId": "P1CO76D75AF6094D2817EDC446C2088621535DDC",
      "deviceName": "JG-VM",
      "state": "Complete"

POST Method

Request URI

Example request uri:


Runs an on-demand bot when provided with the botDefinitionId, agentIds, and inputs.

Response Output Example

  "botDefinitionId": "642d4d01091245ad5c98c90c",
  "agentIds": [
  "inputs": [
      "inputId": "acd5ac4a-15cc-4cf8-b79e-57bcfa01a5b4",
      "inputValue": "Microsoft Defender"