In the Patch Management feature of Ivanti Neurons, Endpoint Vulnerability provides a central view of device patching for your environment with device health and risk-based metrics.
The endpoint-vulnerability endpoint enables you to retrieve the set of data items that represents an Endpoint Vulnerability device overview.
HTTP Method
Request URI
Required Header Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization |
Authheader |
Use the Bearer <access-token> value determined during the Authenticate to the Patch Management API process. |
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
Filter |
String |
An optional filter statement. There is no default. |
OrderBy | String | If no sort value is provided, results are sorted by PublishedDate in descending order. |
PageNumber | Number | The requested page number of the data result. If no value is provided, the default value is 1. |
PageSize | Number | The requested page size of the data result. The maximum page size is 150. If no value is provided, the default value is 10. |
Example Response
"pageCount": 0,
"currentPage": 0,
"totalRecords": 0,
"data": [
"assignedPolicy": "string",
"assignedPolicyId": "string",
"assignedPolicyVersion": "string",
"criticalExploits": 0,
"deviceStatus": {
"managedByPatchCloud": true,
"managedByDsm": true,
"managedByEpm": true,
"managedByIes": true,
"managedByIsec": true,
"managedBySccm": true,
"managedByIntune": true,
"devicePatchSummaries": [
"vendorName": "string",
"patchId": "string",
"patchName": "string",
"notificationId": "string",
"released": "2025-02-13T16:50:20.469Z",
"kbNumber": "string",
"patchStatus": "string",
"patchSeverity": 0
"discoveryId": "string",
"domainName": "string",
"exploited": 0,
"ipAddress": "string",
"lastScannedDate": "2025-02-13T16:50:20.469Z",
"machineName": "string",
"missingPatches": 0,
"nonSecurityCritical": 0,
"nonSecurityImportant": 0,
"nonSecurityLow": 0,
"nonSecurityModerate": 0,
"nonSecurityUnassigned": 0,
"notificationsAffected": [
"osName": "string",
"osVersion": "string",
"platform": "string",
"policyGroup": "string",
"policyGroupId": "string",
"riskScore": 0,
"securityCritical": 0,
"securityImportant": 0,
"securityLow": 0,
"securityModerate": 0,
"securityUnassigned": 0
Output Data Properties
The following set of data items represent an Endpoint Vulnerability result that will be returned as part of a successful endpoint-vulnerability_get response.
Name |
Type |
Format |
Description |
assignedPolicy | String | The name of the assigned patch cloud policy. | |
assignedPolicyId | String | Guid | The ID of the assigned patch cloud policy. |
assignedPolicyVersion | String | The version number of the assigned patch cloud policy. | |
criticalExploits | Integer | Int32 | The number of critical exploits. The minimum is -2147483648. The maximum is 2147483647. |
deviceStatus |
Array of objects |
Identifies the source of the patch data. The devicePatchStatus sub-array contains details about the patch. •vendorName: The name of the vendor who issued the patch. •patchId: The unique patch ID. The Patch endpoint can be used to query for additional details. •patchName: The unique name of the patch. •notificationId: The ID of the notification. The Notifications endpoint can be used to query for additional details. •released: The date and time that the patch was released. •kbNumber: The KB number associated with the patch. •patchStatus: Possible values are Deploying, Failed, Installed and Missing. |
discoveryId | String | The discovery ID associated with the record. The People and Devices API can be used to query for additional details about users and devices. | |
domainName | String | The name of the domain. | |
exploited | Integer | Int32 | The number of missing patches on this device that are exploited. |
ipAddress | String | The IP address of the device. | |
lastScannedDate | String | Date-time | The date the device was last scanned. |
machineName |
String |
The name of the machine. |
missingPatches |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of patches that are missing on the machine. |
nonSecurityCritical |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of non-Security patches whose severity level is classified as Critical. |
nonSecurityImportant |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of non-Security patches whose severity level is classified as Important. |
nonSecurityLow |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of non-Security patches whose severity level is classified as Low. |
nonSecurityModerate |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of non-Security patches whose severity level is classified as Moderate. |
nonSecurityUnassigned |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of non-Security patches whose severity level is classified as Unassigned. |
notificationsAffected | Array of strings | Guid | The collection of affected notification IDs. The Notifications endpoint can be used to query for additional details related to the notification ID. |
osName |
String |
The name of the machine's operating system. |
osVersion |
String |
The version of the machine's operating system. |
patchesAffected | Array of strings | Guid | The collection of affected patch IDs. The Patch endpoint can be used to query for additional details related to specific patches. |
platform |
String |
The platform. |
policyName |
String |
The name of the policy assigned to the machine. |
policyId |
String |
The ID of the policy assigned to the machine. |
riskScore |
Number |
Double |
The risk score associated with the device. The value is based on the CVSS scores associated with the missing patches. |
securityCritical |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of Security patches whose severity level is classified as Critical. |
SecurityImportant |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of Security patches whose severity level is classified as Important. |
SecurityLow |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of Security patches whose severity level is classified as Low. |
SecurityModerate |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of Security patches whose severity level is classified as Moderate. |
SecurityUnassigned |
Integer |
Int32 |
The number of Security patches whose severity level is classified as Unassigned. |
Default Filter and Sort Behavior
The API will not return all records. If no filter and sort criteria are provided, this endpoint returns all device endpoint vulnerability data from the last 60 days based on last scanned date.